
  • 网络banded structure
  1. 矿石为花岗伟晶结构,似文象结构和块状、条带状构造。

    Ores are of pegmatite granites texture , graphic and massive , banded structure .

  2. 【矿】带状构造,环带构造鞍山地区太古宙铁矿中条带状构造的成因与演化

    The origin and evolution of the banded structure in Archaean iron orebody , Anshan area

  3. 青田石山炮绿主要以显微鳞片变晶结构出现,样品主要呈块状、斑状和条带状构造。

    The samples are mainly massive , porphyritic and banded structures .

  4. 麻粒岩捕掳体均具变质重结晶结构以及块状或条带状构造。

    The xenoliths are all in recrystallized structure and homogeneous or layered texture .

  5. 条带状构造是该地区石英脉型金矿的主要找矿标志之一,也是多期次成矿的表现形式。

    Banded structures are clue to find quartz vein type gold deposit in this area , and representation of the multi-stage mineralization .

  6. 矿石以显微鳞片微粒变晶结构、碎裂结构,块状构造、浸染状构造为主。氧化矿石多具有条带状构造、细脉状构造、网脉状构造。

    There are mainly microcrystalline , cataclastic , disseminated and massive structure , the oxidized ores mainly have banded , veinlet , veined-network structure .

  7. 龙陵地区产的红色&黄色的这类玉石属于隐晶质石英质玉石,根据云南龙陵的地方标准确定其为玉髓,但是黄龙玉也有类似玛瑙条带状构造的结构特征。

    The red-yellow jade produced in Longling which species are cryptocrystalline quartz quality jade , according to the local standard of Yunnan Longling concluded that it was chalcedony .

  8. 喷流交代夕卡岩具交代残余结构和假角砾状构造,而喷流沉积夕卡岩具微粒状结构、雏晶结构和层纹、条纹、条带状构造,反映了二者不同的喷流成因;

    Metasomatic skarn having replacement remnant texture , pseudobreccia structure , while depositional skarn , particulate crystallitic texture and ribbon , stratified structure . These reflect they are eruptive genesis ;

  9. 构造片麻岩系列形成于地壳深部构造层次上,以颗粒流动和扩散蠕变变形机制为主,宏观上表现为条纹和条带状构造,微观上为三边平衡结构。

    The tectonic gneiss , developed at deep crustal-tectonic levels by grain flow and diffusion creep mechanism , have stripe and band fabrics in macroscopic , and three edges equilibrium texture in microscopic scales .

  10. 岩体主要由超基性岩组成,包括橄榄岩、辉石岩、辉长岩以及它们之间的过渡类型,矿石的结构构造以块状构造、浸染状构造、条带状构造、陨铁结构为主。

    The intrusions are primarily consists of ultramafic rocks , including peridotite , pyroxenite , gabbro , and the transitional type among them , the ore has massive , disseminated and banded structure as well as sideronitic texture . 3 .

  11. 但在远离张性断层面的两侧,一般形成两个对称的平行条带状构造应力高压区,使得煤层甲烷含量相对升高,成为阻止煤层甲烷进一步向断层运移的天然屏障。

    Symmetric high stress zones in parallel stripped shape would usually form in two sides far off the fault , thus causing the increase of coal bed methane content , and forming a natural curtain to block methane migration to the fault .