
  • 网络material accountant
  1. 材料会计是什么啊?他的定义是什么?

    What is material accountant ? What is his definition ?

  2. 高职会计专业《材料会计》课程实践性教学研究

    The Research of Practicality Teaching about the Higher Vocational Education on Accountant Profession " Materials Accounting " Curriculum

  3. 事业单位对外投出材料的会计处理

    The accounting treatment of material investment in institutional units

  4. 摘要在反倾销调查过程中,涉诉企业提供的相关证明材料涉及大量的会计信息。

    In the course of Anti-dumping Survey , the enterprises involving lawsuit provide a lot of accounting information as proving material .