
  1. 李雪表示,剧中的每一处布景都被剧组进行了一定程度的改造。

    According to Li , nothing appears in the drama that hasn 't been changed in some way by the crew .

  2. 李雪(音)住在上海偏远西北角的一个新郊区,那里的投机性房地产开发又蠢蠢欲动。在她住的公寓楼附近,最近拔地而起了一批18层新楼。

    Li Xue 's neighborhood in a new suburb located in a distant northwest corner of Shanghai has seen a flurry of speculative development recently with a parade of new 18-floor towers rising near her apartment complex .

  3. 视频和照片显示乐团中一个十几岁的主唱貌似李雪主。仁川举办一场国际田径锦标赛期间,朝鲜曾派出代表团参加,该乐团是这个代表团的一部分。

    Videos and photos show a teenage girl who looks like Ms. Ri as a featured singer in a traditional music group that was part of a broader North Korean contingent attending an international track and field championship in the Seoul suburb of Incheon .

  4. 该剧导演李雪告诉腾讯网,他们对梅长苏所住的房子做了较大的改造以使其更能融入剧中的氛围,为此剧组种了一片竹林并修建了一个用鹅卵石铺建的院子。

    As Li Xue , one of the production 's directors told qq.com , major changes were made to the house where Mei Changsu lives to better fit the atmosphere of the show . The crew planted a bamboo garden and built a pebbled courtyard path themselves .