
  1. 后来与李少红的合作很多,一块做的片子还有《血色清晨》、《红粉》、《四十不惑》。

    Later I had many co-operations with her , such as Bloody Morning , Rouge , 40 Years Old .

  2. 此外,李少红导演及20名红学家组成的小组称他们尽量保证50集中的每个细节都遵循原著。

    Also , director Li Shaohong and a team of20 Redologists claim they tried to make sure that every detail in the50 episodes is accurate .

  3. 目前,导演李少红还没有确定由谁来出演成年林黛玉。

    Li Shaohong , the director of the series , has yet to decide on the actress to play the role of grown-up Lin Daiyu .

  4. 一方面,这些新演员们尽力去诠释剧中角色的人物性格,努力让人们淡忘老版《红楼梦》;另一方面,李少红导演和叶锦添设计则采用了一种新方法。

    While the new actors are doing their best to stamp their personalities on their roles and make people forget the older version , director Li and art director Timmy Yip also have a new approach for the show .

  5. 文中所要谈到的李少红的三部电视剧作品:《雷雨》、《橘子红了》和《大明宫词》,无疑都是广大电视观众耳熟能详的作品。

    This article will focus on three TV dramas directed by Li Shaohong : " Lei Yu ", " Ju Zi Hong Le " and " Da Ming Gong Ci ", the majority of viewers are no doubt familiar with these works .

  6. 电视剧《雷雨》中折射出曹禺先生的“原初视界”与李少红的“现今视界”在“视界融合”过程中发生的碰撞、融合、顺化的种种斑斓的变化。

    In the Lei Yu teleplay , there are many change by collision , fusion and conformance in the " the fusion of horizons " process of Cao Yu 's " former horizon " and Li Shao Hong 's " current horizon " .