
When computer-aided designing for testability based on Boundary-Scan , it exits the problem that is how to optimal design to maximize the testability improvement when the designing complicacy is definite .
Using the method presented in this paper to predict the unsteady cavitation of propeller has important engineering value in the calculation of the propeller vibratory forces and the off-design of propeller .
Coupler use the structure of a parallel-coupled microstrip line . During the design of the coupling gap , weighing the best degree of coupling and the PCB precision , then coupler is designed to meet the technical standards and achieving targets and has a good directionality .
Tradeoff optimization design of optical configuration on imaging spectrometer
Such contemplations on traditional balancing instrument design shall definitely have some edification on the modern design .
Moreover , the author abstracts the law of the dynamic development of the mutual penetration and interaction between the design of balancing instrument and social life style culturally and psychologically on the basis of the dialectical relationship between implement and culture .
The major research objectives of this paper are the design characters and cultural values of design of traditional Chinese balancing instrument .
So , high working condition and long test time is need to reliability growth .
The legislator should balance the advantages and disadvantages of the above-mentioned rules and contrive a matched mechanism for calling contribution and mechanism of duty .
Architects have to simulate many kinds of workloads with different microprocessor configurations and consider the tradeoff among various factors to attain a high performance or cost-effective design .