
  • Park Geun-hye
  1. 疫情的爆发对韩国总统朴槿惠(ParkGeun-hye)产生了冲击,她的支持率在最近几周出现下降。

    The outbreak has been a blow to President Park Geun-hye , whose approval rating has fallen in recent weeks .

  2. 安哲秀的竞争对手是两位显赫人物。朴槿惠(ParkGeun-hye)是一名保守派,与现任总统同属一个党派。

    Mr Ahn is running against two establishment figures . Park Geun-hye is a conservative from the same party as the presidential incumbent .

  3. 核试验将让韩国即将上任的总统朴槿惠(parkgeun-hye)难办,她本来有意与朝鲜对话。

    A test would complicate things for park Geun-hye , the incoming president of South Korea , who plans to pursue dialogue with North Korea .

  4. 上月当选韩国下任总统的朴槿惠(parkgeun-hye),已承诺通过增加政府育儿投入和减半学费来解决这一问题。

    Park Geun-hye , elected last month as the next president , has promised to tackle the problem by expanding state provision of childcare and halving tuition fees .

  5. 6月20日盖洛普(Gallup)开展的一次调查显示,43%的回应者认可朴槿惠的政绩,而48%的回应者则表示失望。

    A Gallup poll on June 20 found that 43 per cent of respondents approved of the president 's performance , while 48 per cent disapproved .

  6. 1961年,当朴槿惠9岁时,父亲朴正熙(parkchung-hee)通过军事政变掌权,开始了近20年的铁腕统治,其间韩国工业化以惊人的速度推进。

    She was nine years old when her father , park Chung-hee , seized power in a military coup in 1961 , the start of almost 20 years of iron rule that saw Korea industrialise at an astonishing pace .

  7. 前议员张诚岷(JangSung-min)称:文在寅是过去的人,朴槿惠是过去的遗迹,安哲秀则是未来的人。

    Moon is the man of the past , Park is a relic of the past , Ahn is the man of the future , is how Jang Sung-min , a former parliamentarian puts it .

  8. 朴槿惠曾拍摄了一个身穿紧身连衣裤在家中锻炼的片段,还曾经和第一个百万个访问她在cyworld(韩国版myspace)上网页的网友“约会”。

    Park has been filmed in a leotard doing exercises at her home , and she once went on a " date " with the millionth visitor to her Cyworld ( the Korean version of MySpace ) page .

  9. 周一,朴槿惠誓言要展开彻底的全国响应措施。

    On Monday , Ms. Park vowed an all-out national response .

  10. 实际上,55岁的朴槿惠对韩国人有一种神秘的影响力。

    Indeed , 55-year-old park has a mysterious effect on Koreans .

  11. 朴槿惠做出的回应是同意与他会面。

    Ms Park has responded by agreeing to meet him .

  12. 罗卿瑗得到了另外一位杰出的女政治家朴槿惠的支持。

    Na received support from another prominent female politician , Park Geun-hye .

  13. 朴槿惠回到首尔,代理起“第一夫人”的角色。

    Park returned to Seoul and took over the role of first lady .

  14. 朴槿惠表示,鉴于她的家史,她注定将成为一位政治家。

    Given her family history , Park says she was destined to become a politician .

  15. 韩国总统朴槿惠

    Park Geun-hye , President of South Korea

  16. 在一些客套的采访结束语后,朴槿惠挎上她的撒切尔式手包离开了。

    After some stilted end-of-interview chit-chat , park puts her thatcheresque handbag over her arm and leaves .

  17. 韩国总统朴槿惠说,这起事件是对韩美同盟的攻击。

    South Korean President Park Geun-hye said the slashing was an attack on the South Korea-U.S. alliance .

  18. 克里在访问期间将与包括朴槿惠总统在内的韩国官员举行会谈。

    Kerry will hold talks with South Korean officials , including President Park Geun-hye during his visit .

  19. 因为没有朴槿惠一派的支持,这些计划是不可能在国民大会中得到通过的。

    Without the votes of Miss Park 's faction , these are unlikely to pass the National Assembly .

  20. 朴槿惠的爸爸朴正熙曾担任韩国总统长达18年,直到他于1979年被刺杀。

    Her father , Park Chung-hee , was South Korea 's president for18 years until he was assassinated in1979 .

  21. 不过,当朴槿惠坐下时,她要求侍者拉下百叶窗,挡住光线。

    But , as she sits down , park directs the waiter to pull the blinds to shut out the light .

  22. 在另一幅画中,朴槿惠在产房里刚生了一个酷似其先父的孩子。

    Another painting put Ms. Park in a delivery room , having just given birth to a baby who resembles her late father .

  23. 我曾希望,随着用餐的进行,朴槿惠能渐渐放松下来,但整个过程中完全没有脱稿的余地。

    I had hoped that , as the meal progressed , park would loosen up . But there is no room for going off-script .

  24. 他用一只小鸡代替总统的漫画&小鸡是批评家们对朴槿惠的谑称。

    He replaced the caricature of the president with a chicken , a reference to a nickname used by critics : Geun-hye , the chicken .

  25. 将于2月25日上任的朴槿惠此前承诺搁置以往的政治问题,并加大对朝鲜的人道援助。

    Ms Park , who takes office on February 25 , has pledged to overlook previous political problems and boost humanitarian aid to the north .

  26. 朴槿惠的回应是,那些没完成兵役的人(李明博由于支气管炎而免服兵役)没有资格谈论国家安全问题。

    Park responded that those who had not completed military service - Lee was exempted because of bronchial problem - were not equipped to talk about national security .

  27. 2006年,朴槿惠在首尔竞选时被袭击者用刀割伤脸部,为她治疗的医院正是李柏特目前所在的医院。

    Ms. Park was slashed in the face during an election campaign in Seoul in 2006 . She was cared for at the same hospital where Lippert is being treated .

  28. 朴槿惠在韩国天安舰沉没三周年发表讲话时做出上述表示。首尔说,天安舰是平壤击沉的。

    Ms. Park made the comments during a speech to mark the third anniversary of the deadly sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan - an attack that Seoul blames on Pyongyang .

  29. 朴槿惠刚刚结束中东之行返回韩国。她上星期五对李柏特说,她曾遭到和李柏特同样的袭击,因此感到心痛。

    Ms. Park - shortly after returning home from a Middle East tour - told Lippert on Friday that her heart ached because he had suffered the same type of attack that she once had .

  30. 在上菜的过程中,朴槿惠给我讲述了她代理5年第一夫人的经历&从她母亲遇害,到她父亲在一次醉酒的宴会上被对其心怀不满的中央情报部部长枪杀。

    As the dishes keep arriving , Park tells me about the five years she spent as first lady , the period between her mother 's death and her father 's assassination by his disgruntled spy chief at a drunken party .