
zhū bǐ
  • a vermilion writing brush;a pen using red ink originally used by an emperor in signing decrees, now often used by school teachers to correct student papers;brush-pen dipped in red ink;red-inked writing brush
朱笔 [zhū bǐ]
  • [red-inked writing brush] 蘸红色的毛笔,用以批公文、校古书、批改作业等

朱笔[zhū bǐ]
  1. 当看到判官拿起用来判决死刑的朱笔时,他彻底失望了。

    The bartender 's heart went cold as he saw the main judge pick up the red brush used for writing out the death sentence .

  2. 正当判官拿起朱笔要写的时候,一阵响亮的嗡嗡声越来越近,越来越响。

    Just as the main judge picked up his brush to write , a loud buzzing was heard coming closer , getting louder and louder .

  3. 白彬菊:《朱笔:清代军机处奏折制度和中央政府的决策过程》,耶鲁大学博士论文,1980年。

    Bartlett , Beatrice S. " The Vermilion Brush : The Grand Council Communications System and Central Government Decision-Making in Mid-Ch'ing China ", Ph.D.Dissertation , Yale University , 1980 .