
  • 【物】eigenvector
  1. 本征矢激励下H面g重对称波导结特性的证明

    Mathematical Verification on the g-Post Symmetrical H-Plane Waveguide Junction Characteristics Under Eigenvector Excitation

  2. 本文从周期慢波结构定理出发,给出本征矢激励下H面g重对称波导结中场分量表达式的严格数学证明;

    Under the condition of eigenvector excitation , an exact mathematical verification on the field component expressions of the g-port symmetrical H-plane waveguide junction is presented by means of a periodic slow-wave structure theorem .

  3. 运用表象理论讨论了氢原子中的p电子轨道角动量算符及其本征矢分别在^Lx,^Ly,L^z表象的表示及力学量表象的相互转化,得到了简洁实用的表达形式。

    Express in self representation about the orbit angular momentum Operator , eigenvector of p electron in hydrogen atom and transformation each other about mechanics quantity representation have been discussed with the theory of representation . We have got succinct practical express form .

  4. 二阶实对称笛卡尔张量之本征矢的通解

    General Solution of the Eigenvector of Second-order Real Symmetric Cartesian Tensor

  5. 离散平稳马尔柯夫过程概率转移矩阵本征矢的完备性

    The Eigenvector Completeness of Transition Probability Matrix in Discrete Homogeneous Markov Process

  6. 双电子体系自旋算符及其本征矢的矩阵表示

    Matrix Representation about Spin Angular Momentum Operator and Eigenvector on System of Double Electrons

  7. 分析海浪方向谱的扩展本征矢方法Ⅰ.方法的导出

    An extended eigenvector method for estimation of directional spectra of sea waves ⅰ . derivation of the method

  8. 在不受应力边界条件下,运用连续介质理论研究孤立的纳米颗粒的本征矢与本征振动模。

    Continuous media theory used to study eigenvectors and eigenmodes in the nanoparticle under the stress free boundary conditions .

  9. 应用点阵动力学的方法以及五对角对阵矩阵本征矢算法,考虑原子间次近邻相互作用,计算了一维无序体系的振动本征态的分布。

    Considering second-neighbour interaction , the distribution of vibrational eigenvectors in one-dimensional disordered system is calculated by means of lattice dynamics and a new algorithm for five diagonal matrix .

  10. 基于电荷的不连续性,对无耗散介观耦合电路进行量子化,在无相互作用Hamilton本征态基矢下给出介观电路的能谱关系;

    On the basis of the charge discreteness , the non-dissipative coupled mesoscopic circuit is quantized , the energy spectrum of the circuit is given under non-interaction Hamilton eigenstate basis vectors .

  11. 规则边界下电磁场的本征函数和并矢格林函数

    Eigenfunctions and dyadic green 's functions of electromagnetic field in regular boundary conditions

  12. 在瞬时本征态为基矢下,量子绝热定理的物理图象变得非常清晰,有助于我们理解量子绝热定理。

    In terms of the basis of the instantaneous eigenstate , the physical picture of the quantum adiabatic theorem becomes very clear , which will help us understand the quantum adiabatic theorem .

  13. 然后通过构造转移矩阵的参考真空态并利用嵌套Betheansatz方法,给出了系统的能量本征值,本征矢和Betheansatz方程。至此我们得到了一维N分量开边界Bariev模型的精确解。

    After defining the reference state , we solve the eigenvalue problem of the transfer matrix and give the Bethe ansatz equations and the energy spectrum of the Hamiltonian in the framework of quantum inverse scattering method .

  14. 在阶化量子反散射的框架中,得到FBF背景下,带反射边界条件的超对称t-J模型的本征值和本征矢,及相应的Betheansatz方程。

    In the framwork of the graded quantum inverse scattering method ( QISM ), we obtain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of supersymmetric t-J model with reflecting boundary conditions in FBF background . The corresponding Bethe ansatz equation are also obtained .

  15. 建立了一维纳米随机链模型,在计及近邻、次近邻相互作用情况下,采用新的方法计算了链长从1×104~1×105个原子系统的电子本征值和本征矢。

    A one dimensional random nanometer chain model is founded and a new method to solve the eigenvectors is developed .

  16. Mueller矩阵具有实二重简并的本征值1,求得对应的本征矢即扭转椭圆双折射光纤本征偏振态的Stokes矢量。

    The real eigenvalues of Mueller matrix is dually degenerate , and corresponding eigenvectors ( Stokes vectors ) that are polarization eigenstate of the spun elliptical birefringent optical fiber are deduced .