
  • 网络background count rate;RLU
  1. 在线~(14)C年龄测定系统不但能测量~(14)C计数,而且能测出~(14)C能谱和有较低的本底计数率。

    The radioactivity of ( 14 ) ~ C and its β spectrum can be measured in low count-rate background .

  2. 在100~2000keV能区,相对效率为38.4%的HPGe探测器积分本底计数率为0.7/s,本底效率比为1.82/s;

    In this system , the background counting rate is 0.7/s and background efficiency ratio is 1.82/s for HPGe detector of 38.4 % relative efficiency in 100 ~ 2 000 keV energy range .

  3. 研究了一种容积为75ml的高灵敏的闪烁室,其探测效率~82%,本底计数率~0.09计数/min。

    A high-sensitive scintillation chamber of 75 ml in volume with detection efficiency ~ 82 % and background counting rate ~ 0.09 cpm has been developed .

  4. 探测器的本底计数率为4―6脉冲1分。

    The background count of the detector is 4 ~ 6 counts 1 min.

  5. 在铅屏蔽室内,γ光子能量从0.05&2MeV范围本底计数率为1053计数/min。

    The background counts of r-ray photons , whose energy range is from 0.05 to 2 MeV , is 1053 cpm in the lead shield .

  6. 采用铅屏蔽、激光脉冲和线性门同步符合技术将HPGeX射线谱仪的本底计数率降低到10-4炮,满足了单光子计数时的低本底要求。

    By use of Pb shielding and coincidence technology , the background counts are kept below 10 - 4 per shot , which satisfies the low background requirement of single photon incident .

  7. 在规定的时间内,测量样品放射性的时间和测量本底的时间之比等于放射性总计数和本底计数率之比的平方根时,测量结果的误差为最小。

    Within the fixed time , when a ratio of measured time for radioactive sample to background equals the ratio of square root of radioactive count for radioactive sample to background , there are minimal measure errors .