
  • 网络ontology language;web ontology language
  1. Web本体语言的逻辑语义分析的研究

    Research on Logical Semantic Analysis of Web Ontology Language

  2. Web本体语言OWL

    Web Ontology Language OWL

  3. 语义web中以描述逻辑为本体语言的推理

    Reasoning of Description Logic as Ontology Language in the Semantic Web

  4. 基于Web本体语言的横向型企业集群生产能力建模

    Modeling of productive competence for horizontal enterprise cluster based on OWL

  5. Web本体语言与语义网络语言的知识表示及其转换的研究

    Research on Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Reasoning of Semantic Web

  6. 基于语义Web本体语言的推理机引擎的实现

    A realization of SWOL ( Semantic Web Ontology Language ) - based Reasoning Engine

  7. Web本体语言的分析与比较

    Analysis and Comparison of Web Ontology Languages

  8. 语义Web本体语言及OWL研究

    Research on ontology language and OWL of semantic web

  9. 网络本体语言(OWL)的标准体系解析

    Analysis of the Web Ontology Language ( OWL ) Standard System

  10. 该模型通过语义Web服务使用计算机可以理解的本体语言来描述Web服务和业务流程,实现了服务匹配、组合和调用的自动化。

    In this platform Web Services and business processes are described by ontology , which is a language of computer understanding , to achieve Service matching , composition and invoking .

  11. 匹配服务的确定。在语义Web服务注册和用户请求过程中,使用服务的Web本体语言OWL-S作为语义Web服务描述语言和基本通讯语言。

    OWL-S is used as the Semantic Web Services description framework and communication language in the process of services register and users ' request .

  12. 此框架用Web本体语言构建安全知识库,使得安全信息更易被机器识别,并实现智能、动态的安全管理。

    In this framework security repository is established by using Web Ontology Language ( OWL ), which makes security information is easily identified by computers and realizes intelligent and dynamic security management .

  13. 基于本体语言OWL的知识表示及推理算法研究

    OWL Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Algorithm

  14. Web本体语言OWL作为W3C对本体描述语言的推荐标准,基本具备知识表示语言所要求的优良性质。

    Web Ontology Language OWL , which is a recommendation of W3C , basically possesses the required qualities of being a representation language .

  15. 本文采用最新的Web本体语言(WebOntologyLanguage,OWL)描述这三种语义。

    This paper applies Web Ontology Language ( OWL ) to describe the three kinds of semantics . The semantic service primitives express the interoperation between the semantic server and clients .

  16. 用Web本体语言描述服务协定,提供了一种新的SLA描述语言,该语言可以方便地同代理等技术结合,实现管理方面的自动化。

    Exploiting OWL to express service agreement can make a new agreement language , and it can easily be integrated with the agents to realize the management automation .

  17. 该文介绍了W3C最新给出的Web本体语言OWL,给出了OWL3个子语言构造成分的含义说明,并比较了3种子语言间的差别。

    The paper introduces the Web ontology language OWL , which is just defined by W3C recently , and describes the three sub-languages of OWL .

  18. 近年来,OWL等本体语言蓬勃发展,并成为W3C未来Web语言的标准。

    Semantic Web Ontology Languages such as OWL developed fast in recent years , it became a web standard for future Web language by W3C .

  19. 基于Web服务本体语言OWL-S,建立了Web服务语义表示模型,实现了平台集成对象服务的语义建模。

    Based on OWL-S ( Web Ontology Language for Services ) it builds semantic representation model of web services and realizes semantic modeling for integrated object service of platform .

  20. 论文从Web服务的语义描述角度出发,研究语义Web服务,结合Web本体语言OWL的推理机制,构造基于旅游信息领域的本体,确保本体具有一定的语义推理能力。

    From semantics description of Web Service perspective , the paper studies Semantic Web Services , build an ontology based on tour information domain with OWL reasoning so as to make the ontology has reasoning capability .

  21. 定义这种模型有两种主要的W3C标准:资源描述框架(RDF)和Web本体语言(OWL)。

    There are two main W3C Standards that are used to defined such models : Resource Description Framework ( RDF ) and Web Ontology Language ( OWL ) .

  22. XML只描述了文档的结构,却没涵盖数据的语义,而描述数据语义的本体语言不能直接对XML数据进行表述。

    The XML describes the structure of the document only , but does not cover the semantics of the data , and the ontology language describing the semantics of the data can 't represent the XML data directly .

  23. 在语义Web的七层模型中,建立在RDF模式层之上的本体语言层用于形式化描述Web文档中词汇的含义,是建立语义Web的关键环节[5]。

    The ontology language layer building on top of RDF schema is used to formally describe the meaning of terms in the Web documents vocabularies , which plays a key role in building semantic Web [ 5 ] .

  24. 本文认为,通过结合语义Web服务本体语言OWL-S和Web本体语言OWL,将语义引入Web服务组合,可以提高服务发现和匹配的效率,并可以方便地实现Web服务组合的自动化。

    By integrating semantics into Web services composition through OWL and OWL-S , this paper introduces an approach which can promote the efficiency of service discovery and service match , and realizes the automation of Web services composition .

  25. 在本论文中,结合语义Web的相关研究,建立了普适计算环境中的基于语义的服务描述框架,提出了基于OWL(WEB本体语言)的本体,用来描述服务和进行服务的语义匹配。

    In this paper we introduce a new approach that explores the use of Semantic Web language in building architecture for service discovery in pervasive computing environment . We propose an OWL ( Web Ontology Language ) based ontology for service description , and for supporting logic-based service matchmaking .

  26. 本文着重讨论语义元数据安置插件的设计,首先论述了静态Web页中语义元数据安置的基本策略,然后结合W3C推荐的Web本体语言OWL规范,给出了语义元数据安置策略的OWLLite的语法实现。

    This paper mainly focuses on the design of semantic metadata populating plug-in , which talks about the basic metadata populating strategies in static Web pages , then presents its implementation in OWL Lite , Web Ontology Language , recommended by W3C .

  27. 在各种现行的表示语言中选择了7种本体语言(XOL,SHOE,OML,RDFS,OIL,DAML+OIL和OWL)进行详细的比较。

    It selected 7 ontology languages ( XOL , SHOE , OML , RDFS , OIL , DAML + OIL and OWL ) in the various expression language nowadays , and compared in detail .

  28. OWL是专门为Web设计的本体语言,它利用现有的Web标准(XML和RDF),添加了面向对象和基于框架的系统中常见的本体原语,具有强表达性的描述逻辑的严格形式化。

    As an ontology language specifically designed for use on the Web , OWL exploits the existing Web standards ( XML and RDF ) and adds the familiar ontological primitives of object-oriented and frame-based systems , as well as the formal rigor of a highly expressive description logic .

  29. 应用本体语言OWL抽象描述了元模型的语义信息,保障了元模型内部概念的一致性。

    The consistency of concepts in the meta-model is ensured by using web ontology language OWL to describe semantic information of it . Secondly , using the given meta-model , the creation methods of domain models and evaluation implementation process are discussed .

  30. 重点分析研究了W3C提出的两种面向语义Web的本体语言:OWLDL、OWLLite,详细分析了这两种语言的各个基本元素和它们的形式化基础。

    Particularly , we analyze and investigate two ontology languages for the Semantic Web proposed by W3C : OWL DL and OWL Lite . Every element of those two ontology languages is analyzed , and the formal foundations of those two ontology languages are introduced .