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  • terminal repetition
  1. 方法:端粒酶的检测采用端粒末端重复序列扩增技术(telomericrepeatamplificationprotocol,TRAP),端粒酶亚单位的检测采用RT-PCR法。

    Methods : Telomerase activity was detected with telomeric repeat amplification protocol ( TRAP ) and its subunits were examined by RT-PCR .

  2. 方法采用原位杂交技术和端粒末端重复放大技术(TRAP)分别检测cmyc和p53在舌癌组织中的表达以及舌癌组织中端粒酶的活性。

    Methods To detective the telomerase activity by TRAP and examine the positive expression of c-myc and p53 in tongue cancer by hybridization in situ .

  3. 根据已发表的网状内皮组织增生病病毒(REV)的长末端重复序列(LTR),人工合成一对能特异地扩增REVLTR序列的引物。

    A pair of primers was synthesized according to the reported sequence of Long TerminalRepeats ( LTR ) for Reticuloendotheliosis Virus ( REV ) .

  4. 有研究认为病毒基因组长末端重复序列LTR与病毒的毒力和复制能力直接相关。

    Previous studies showed the long terminal repeat ( LTR ) of lentivirus has close relation with the ability of virulence and replication .

  5. 反转录病毒前病毒基因组长末端重复序列(LTR)对病毒复制有重要的调控作用,影响到病毒的复制动力学、细胞嗜性、致病力等方面。

    The EIAV proviral genomic long-terminal repeat ( LTR ) is a eukaryotic promotor , which plays an important regulatory role on transcription and replication of the virus .

  6. 嗜酸性粒细胞增多组长末端重复序列U3、R、U5区同源性分析有核苷酸的改变,与淋巴瘤对照比较没有大片段的缺失。

    To contrast the homogeneity of nucleotide sequence of eosinophilia on locus of U3 、 R 、 U5 to that of HERV-K strain , there showed nucleotide changes .

  7. 内源性逆转录病毒长末端重复序列在嗜酸性粒细胞增多症的基因表达及核苷酸序列分析

    The Expression and Sequencing of Human Endogenous Retrovirus Long Terminal Repeats in Eosinophilia Cells

  8. 牛泡沫病毒长末端重复序列在大肠杆菌中的启动子功能

    Bovine Foamy Viral Long Terminal Repeat is Functional and Can Be Trans-activated in Escherichia coli

  9. 一株整合有禽反转录病毒长末端重复序列的马立克氏病病毒野毒株的致病性研究

    Evaluation of the Pathogenicity of a Field Isolate of Marek ′ s Disease Virus Integrated with Retroviral Long Terminal Repeat Sequence

  10. 然而,作为腺病毒分类的三个标准即基因组长度、末端重复序列及G+C含量,其与牛腺病毒在分类地位上最接近。

    However , compared HEV with other Ads through the full length of genome , the terminal repeat and the G + C content , we find that the statue of HEV is close to ovine adenovirus rather than avian adenovirus .

  11. 预测发现该菌株具有大量的插入序列、串联重复序列和长末端重复序列,其中插入序列的存在暗示该菌株在进化过程中发生了大规模的基因片段插入与缺失。

    A lot of repeat sequences , including insert sequences , tandem repeat sequences and long terminal repeat , were predicted , which might be the result of adaption to new environment or the insertion and deletion of gene on a large scale .

  12. 约100个氨基酸残基组成的C末端非重复氨基酸序列区。

    And ( 2 ) C - terminal non-repetitive region .

  13. 目的:端粒酶是一种核糖核蛋白复合物,能以自身RNA成分为模板催化染色体末端端粒重复序列的延伸,使细胞得以持续增殖甚至永生化。

    Objective : Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex that synthesizes telomeric DNA onto chromosome ends using its RNA component as template , enabling extension of cell lifespan and even immortalization .

  14. 鹅源腺病毒Y(81)G4株基因组末端倒置重复序列(ITR)的核酸鉴定和结构分析

    Sequence Determination and Structural Analysis of Inverted Terminal Repeats ( ITR ) of Aviadenovirus Y_ ( 81 ) G_4 Strain Isolated from Goose

  15. 腺相关病毒末端反向重复顺序折叠结构在真核细胞染色体基因组上的整合作用

    Study on the Integration of the Adeno-associated Virus Inverted Terminal Repeat Fold Structure in Eukaryotic Cell Chromosome in Vitro

  16. 对关节间隙变量采用二维矢量表示法,分析了机器人关节间隙对机器人末端位置重复精度的影响。

    The effects of the joint clearance variables to the position repeatability of the robot end effector are analyzed using a two-dimensional vector method to define the joint clearance variables .

  17. 研究结果表明,IFP2的末端反向重复序列上每一个位点的碱基都对转座子活性有重要的影响,任何一个位点碱基的缺失都会导致转座子不能进行识别和剪切。

    The results showed that every base in ITR sequences was important for the activity of transposons . Deletion of any base could result in failture of identification and cut of the transposons .

  18. 端粒是位于染色体末端的串联重复核苷酸序列。

    Telomere locates on the terminal of DNA containing repeat DNA sequence .

  19. 该结果表明,汉坦病毒基因组末端的反向重复序列是核蛋白重要结合位点,这对理解汉坦病毒核蛋白功能以及病毒复制过程中病毒粒子的包装机制有重要的意义。

    These data suggest that the inverted repeat sequence at the ends of each gene segment could be an important target site for nucleocapsid protein , and therefore plays an important role during Hantavirus packaging to assemble the viral apparatus into a complete viral particle .

  20. 端粒酶是核糖核蛋白复合体,其丰要功能是增加染色体末端端粒的不断重复以维护它的稳定性和细胞的恶性增殖。

    Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex whose function is to add telomere repeats to chromosomal ends to make its stable and cell immortalization .

  21. 背景:端粒酶是一种特殊的逆转录酶,它在染色体末端不断合成端粒重复序列,维持端粒的长度,阻止其丢失,使细胞发展成为无限增殖的癌细胞。

    Background : Telomerase is a specialized type of reverse transcriptase which is the enzyme required for the addition of telomeric repeats to the ends of chromosomes and thus maintains chromosomal stability leading to cellular immortalization and unlimited replication of neoplastic cells .