
  • 网络Future cost
  1. 此外,英国还大幅削减了政府提供的养老金的未来成本。

    And it has slashed the future cost of state pension provision .

  2. 而且在大多数发展中国家,短期成本往往比不确定的未来成本的决策更具有分量。

    As in most developing countries , short term costs tend to carry more weight in decision-making than uncertain future costs .

  3. 好的项目经理还会关注未来成本、收益和一些技巧问题。

    Good managers should focus upon future revenues , nike air max black , future costs and technical problems .

  4. 在项目开发过程中的某一特定阶段的成本估算就是造价工程师在现有数据基础上对未来成本的预测。

    A cost estimate at a given stage of project development represents a prediction provided by the cost engineer or estimator on the basis of available data .

  5. 通过将可能的未来成本涵盖在内,奥巴马的预算草案从所称的布什年代“耍花招、玩诡计的会计方法”转向了“提前会计”的新体系。

    By including likely future costs , it moves to a new system of upfront accounting that moves away from the alleged " gimmicks and sleight-of-hand accounting " of the Bush years .

  6. 管理人员在很多情况下都要用到未来成本概念,包括成本控制、长期计划、预算、对建设项目的评估和一般的经济决策。

    Examples of management 's use of future costs may be found in a large number of areas , including cost control , long-range planning , budgeting , evaluation of capital projects and busi-ness decisions in general .

  7. 长期以来,我国在投资变电站工程项目时,仅注重如何降低建设期成本,然而大量事实表明,项目的未来成本有时会超过建设成本。

    For a long time , our country only emphasizes the reduction of construction costs when investing electric substation construction projects . Nevertheless , a large number of facts make it clear that the future costs may sometimes exceed construction costs .

  8. 另外,本文也采用了多种分析工具进行定量的分析研究,找出施工项目成本管理存在的主要问题,并提出项目成本控制的一些对策,来作为企业的未来成本管理的参考模版。

    In addition , this thesis also uses a variety of analysis tools for quantitative analysis research to find out the main problems of construction project cost management and treat them as references template for the future of the enterprise cost management .

  9. 然后详细介绍本项目建设的具体内容,包括厂区布置、产品方案、原材料、工艺工程、车间设置、公用工程、辅助设施等,在此基础上进行投资估算,同时估算未来成本费用和收益。

    After that it introduces the content of the project in details including the plant layout , product slate , material , public works and auxiliary facilities and so on . On this basis , it makes the investment estimate and the benefit estimate .

  10. 这极大地支持了国际货币基金组织(imf)的努力作为金融与社会新契约的一部分,该组织正在研究提案,确保承担未来倒闭成本的是银行而不是政府。

    This importantly sits alongside efforts by the International Monetary Fund to explore proposals to ensure that banks , not governments , meet the cost of future failures as part of a new social contract between finance and society .

  11. 未来的成本和期望寿命计算时用3%的年贴现率。

    Future costs and LE were discounted at3 % yearly .

  12. 采用这种方法,还更可能最大限度地减少未来纾困成本。

    Such an approach is also much more likely to minimise the cost of future bailouts .

  13. 如果未来融资成本上升,为了确保偿付能力,必须进行更多债转股交易。

    If the future financing costs rise , more swaps would be required to ensure solvency .

  14. 德国大谈特谈让私人投资者分担未来纾困成本的想法。

    Germany has talked a good game about making private investors share the cost of any rescues in the future .

  15. 报告提出,相对于当前的高碳世界,投资于低碳未来的成本增量非常小。

    The report suggests that the incremental investment costs of a low-carbon future over the current higher-carbon one would be very small .

  16. 很难想象,超低利率如何能够消除围绕未来生产成本和需求区域的根本不确定性因素。

    It is hard to see how ultra-low rates can overcome fundamental uncertainties about the future costs of production and the location of demand .

  17. 学习并理解公司如何记录、分析并汇报公司内部使用的当前和未来的成本及收入数据。

    To develop knowledge and understanding of how organisations record , analyse and report current and future costs and revenue data for use within the organisation .

  18. 第三,它提醒了我们与快速老龄化相关的现有及巨额的未来预算成本,从而暴露了公共财政安排的脆弱与不可持续。

    Third , it exposed the fragility and unsustainability of public finance arrangements , by reminding us of the existing and enormous future budgetary costs associated with rapid ageing .

  19. 安全回收猎鹰重型火箭三枚助推器中的两枚,也是一项值得关注的成就,这意味着未来发射成本有望降低。

    The dramatic and safe return of two of the Falcon Heavy 's three boosters was also a noteworthy feat , promising to cut the cost of future launches .

  20. 作为交换,发展中国家将同意承担公平份额的未来减排成本,全面投入行动,开征碳排放税或拍卖可交易的许可。

    In exchange , developing countries would agree to bear their fair share of future abatement costs , through full participation in a carbon tax or an auction of tradable permits .

  21. 如果只想为材料资源输入一个每次使用成本,并且不想包含未来的成本变化,则为材料资源输入一个每次使用成本。

    Enter one per-use cost for a material resource if you want to enter only one per-use cost for that material resource and you don 't want to incorporate future cost changes .

  22. 31岁的罗西每天的工作就是计算五角大楼在养老、医疗和教育福利方面未来的成本。但他说,这份工作不仅仅是鼓捣电子表格数据。

    Rossi , 31 , spends his days calculating the future costs of the Pentagon 's pension , health and education benefits , but says his job involves more than just crunching numbers for spreadsheets .

  23. 对我国近10年制造业关于成本设计理论形成的背景,以及成本设计方法的应用进行了全面阐述,并对未来工业成本设计的发展趋势与研究重点进行了系统分析。

    The backgrounds of forming cost design theory in manufacture industry and the application of cost design methods during the last 10 years in China are comprehensively described . The Development trends and the key tasks in future industry cost design are systematically analyzed .

  24. tmt异常严重地参与了远期运费协议(ffa)市场,以调整未来的货运成本。

    TMT is unusually heavily involved in the paper forward freight agreement ( FFA ) market for future freight costs .

  25. 大多数州都没有累积真正能获得收益的资金以支付未来的OPEB成本。

    No actual income-generating funds , accumulated for the future , back them in most states .

  26. 对将未来压宝在成本优势上的公司造成伤害。

    Hurt the firm that rested its whole future on cost .

  27. 随着人类寿命大幅延长,未来的医疗成本将高得吓人。

    Future healthcare costs in a world of greatly increased longevity are daunting .

  28. 这些企业未来的资金成本在某种程度上将取决于它们给出的答案。

    Their future cost of capital will in part hinge on the answers they give .

  29. 但如果历史能有些指导意义的话,那么,未来的操纵成本将不会那么低了。

    But if history is any guide , manipulation will not be so cheap in future .

  30. 对交易成本的多种衡量将同发展战略目标一起分析,以将未来的执行成本降至最小。

    These various measures of transaction costs are analysed with the aim of developing strategies to minimise future execution costs .