
mù wǎn
  • Wooden bowl;bassie;bicker
木碗 [mù wǎn]
  • [bicker] 一种饮具,尤其是木质饮具

木碗[mù wǎn]
  1. 然后,他们花了几分钱,给他买了一个木碗,叫他用它吃饭。

    Then they bought him a wooden bowl for a few half-pence to eat out of .

  2. 老人的木碗一位虚弱的老人和他的儿子、儿媳还有四岁的孙子住在一起。

    A frail old man lived with his son , his daughter-in-law , and his four-year-old grandson .

  3. 事后,给了老妇人一个木碗,这就是她以后必须使用的餐具。

    And then they brought her a wooden bowl , out of which she had to eat .

  4. 随着贪执木碗之念的日益增盛,令我想起华智仁波切的一段故事。

    As my affection to this bowl grows stronger , I recall a story of Patrul Rinpoche .

  5. 爷爷已经打碎了一两只盘子,于是他的饭碗被换成了一个木碗。

    Since grandfather had broken a dish or two , his food was served in a wooden bowl .

  6. 他们于是花了几分钱买来一只木碗给老人吃饭用。

    Then for a few hellers they bought him a wooden bowl and made him eat from it .

  7. 我有一个旧木碗和一把旧菜刀,什么时候都可以拿它们同食品加工机相较量。

    I have an old wooden bowl and an elderly chopping knife I would stack up against a food processor any day .

  8. 他一口气就把那一碗酒(足够六个壮汉喝的量)喝完了,随即把木碗还给侍从。

    He finished the wine ( enough for six strong men ) at one draught and handed the empty bowl back to the page .

  9. 这些财物包括马鞍、缰绳、陶土花瓶、木碗、水槽、铁锅、一匹马的遗体以及一些古代服饰。

    These included a saddle , bridle , clay vase , wooden bowl , trough , iron kettle , the remains of an entire horse , and ancient clothing .

  10. 泰国女人们在热铁板上煎煎炒炒,往碎冰块上浇上牛乳状的南瓜色锡兰茶,从堆放的大木碗里盛起辣木瓜沙拉。

    Thai women stir-fry over hot plates , pour milky , pumpkin-colored Ceylon tea over crushed ice , and huddle over great wooden bowls whipping up spicy papaya salad .

  11. 一个侍从从狩猎小屋里走了出来,手里拿着一只雕刻新奇的大木碗,他把木碗递给人头马。

    A page came out of the house carrying a great wooden bowl , curiously carved , and handed it to the Centaur . The Centaur raised the bowl and said ,