
mù bǎn
  • block;wooden board (plank)
木版 [mù bǎn]
  • [block;wooden board (plank)] 用来印刷的刻上文字或图画的木板

木版[mù bǎn]
  1. 宋朝时期,木版印刷术十分先进。

    During the Song Dynasty , the technique of block printing was very advanced .

  2. 木版印刷并不很方便。

    Block printing was not very convenient .

  3. 陕西凤翔民间木版年画的艺术特色

    The Art Characteristic of Feng Xiang Folk Woodcut Spring Festival Pictures

  4. 试论漳州木版年画与日本浮世绘的异同

    Analysis on the Differences between Zhangzhou Wood Engraving and Japanese Ukiyoe

  5. 狭窄的裂缝,如墙上木版之间的。

    A narrow opening as e.g. between planks in a wall .

  6. 一直以来吸引着无数画家投身木版画的创作。

    Has attracted many artists to join the creation of wood engraving .

  7. 佛山木版年画图形在视觉传达创意中的运用

    Application of Figures of Foshan 's Wood Engraving Picture in Visual Communication

  8. 中国木版年画的意、形、色

    Meaning , shape and color of woodcut picture of Chinese new year

  9. 苏州木版画的种类和特色

    The Category and Character of Wooden Type Drawing of Suzhou

  10. 木版年画更是这个艺术宝库中的一朵奇葩。

    Wood engraving new-year painting is a gold in the art mine .

  11. 唐朝初期,首次出现了木版印刷。

    Wood-block printing first appeared in the early Tang Dynasty .

  12. 长江古代文化与民间木版画

    Ancient Changjiang River Culture and the Folk Woodcut Painting

  13. 论中国民间木版年画的东方样式

    On the Oriental Styles of Chinese Folk Wooden Board New Year 's Painting

  14. 最早的印刷方式是用手工雕刻木版印刷。

    In its earliest form , printing was done from hand-carved wooden blocks .

  15. 梁平木版年画工艺当代传承方式研究

    Inheritance Way of Modern Graphic Wooden Arts in Liangping

  16. 中国创作性版画的发展梅山民间木版画艺术

    The Development of the Creative Woodblock in China The Meishan Folk Woodblock Print

  17. 有金属丝的切奶酪的装置(木版或手柄工具)。

    A device ( board or handle ) with a wire for cutting cheese .

  18. 试论民间木版画的媒体功能

    On the Medium Function of the Folk Woodcut

  19. 换新的屋顶木版堆在门前,翻修的锤声成天敲响;

    There rings a hammering all day , And shingles lie about the doors ;

  20. 木版年画是民间绘画的一部分,是民间美术的代表。

    Woodcut pictures are part of folk paintings , are representative of folk art .

  21. 木版画起源于中国,到现在已经有上几千年的发展历史。

    Woodcut originated in China , there have been thousands of years of development history .

  22. 所以说,凤翔木版年画是散落在民间中华民族精神的一个重要组成部分。而民族精神和涵养正式现在中国特色的艺术形式应该借鉴、传承和发扬的重要部分。

    Therefore , the Fengxiang new-year painting is an important part of Chinese ethnic spirit .

  23. 我乐意随时给你看我收集的木版画。

    I 'd be happy to show you my collection of woodblock prints any time .

  24. 民间木版年画的造型美与色彩美

    Assessment of the Beauty in the Modelling and Colour Schemes of Chinese Folk Woodcut Paintings

  25. 白腹黑啄木鸟理查亚种中国画的黑白与木版画的黑白交叉关系研究

    Chinese Painting and Woodblock Prints of Black and White Black and White Study of Cross-Relations

  26. 中国木版年画的抢救与经验

    Experiences of Rescuing Chinese New Year Prints

  27. 这样,木版画被作为纯粹的艺术形态被保留了下来。

    In this way , woodprint was purely as a form of art was retained .

  28. 木版画原始的手工雕刻为现代陶瓷的装饰增添了新的变革启示。

    The woodcut primitive carving has increased the new transformation enlightenment for advanced ceramics ' decoration .

  29. 凤翔民间木版年画迄今已有470多年的发展历史。

    Feng Xiang Folk woodcut Spring Festival Pictures has already developed for more than 470 years .

  30. 同时,他也是我国木版画和书籍装帧的先行者。

    At the same time , he is also a Chinese woodblock prints and Book pioneer .