
mù xiè
  • sawdust;chippings;woodchip;bits of wood;filings
木屑[mù xiè]
  1. 木屑在LoopSeal型返料器中的流动特性研究

    The flow characteristics of sawdust particulate in loop seal

  2. 共气化时,产品气中CO浓度随着温度升高而降低,近似于单组分木屑和聚乙烯气化时CO浓度的线性组合;

    CO decreased with temperature increasing and it could be expressed by the linear combination of sawdust and polyethylene gasification ;

  3. 因此,负极板膨胀剂配方开始包括本质一类的材料,如木屑或木粉。

    Thus negative expander formulas started to include such items of wood , as wood dust or wood flour .

  4. chip在这里是指「木屑」那家杂货店的山胡桃屑到下周前都会缺货。

    hickory ( n. ) The grocery store is out of hickory chips till next week .

  5. 木屑与聚乙烯共气化时,CH4的浓度分布与单组分聚乙烯气化CH4趋势一致;

    For the co-gasification , CH4 concentr-ation varied as the same trend as polyethylene gasification ;

  6. 以木屑作为压缩成型的对象,借助大型有限元软件ANSYS对其温度场进行计算,得到了木屑内部温度场的分布情况。

    Distribution of temperature in the wood chips which were used in study was acquired by using ANSYS to compute temperature .

  7. 城市生活垃圾焚烧时HCl排放及脱除研究进展木屑焚烧过程中氯化氢排放特性研究

    Emission characters of HCl during sawdust incineration

  8. 锯木屑和草炭基质及GA3和IBA植物生长调节剂对兰州百合鳞片扦插繁殖的影响

    Effects of Sawdust , Peat , GA_3 and IBA on Scale Cutting Propagation in Lilium davidii var. unicolor

  9. 运用过渡态理论,对羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)和锯木屑/CMC的超临界水气化反应动力学进行了研究。

    The reaction kinetics of sodium carboxymethylcellulose ( CMC ) and sawdust / CMC gasification in supercritical water was studied .

  10. 黑麦古典(RyeOldFashioned),这是一种在发酵过程中加入了木屑酿制而成的黑麦啤酒,因此给它添加了些许橡木味道;

    the Rye Old Fashioned , a rye beer matured with wood chips tossed in the fermenter , which gives it an oaky taste ;

  11. 10kW(th)级串行流化床中木屑化学链燃烧试验

    Chemical looping combustion of sawdust in a 10 kW_ ( th ) interconnected fluidized bed

  12. 首次采用CCA防腐处理木屑模型沙的新方法,研制了模型自动集中控制和数据采集处理系统等。

    And the automatic and concentrated control system of the model and data acquisition and processing has been developed .

  13. 最适pH值为5.5,其次6.5;固体培养基配方以木屑、梯籽壳作主料,添加适量的麸皮等物为宜。

    The most suitable pH value is 5 5 , and then 6 5 It 's solid culture medium obtains wood bits and cottonseed shell , if some wheat bran are added to , it will be better .

  14. 发现利用改性木屑吸附含Cr(Ⅵ)废水,具有方法简便、易于操作、吸附量大去除率高、处理效果好,而且在同一条件下改性木屑吸附性能优于普通木屑的优点。

    The advantage of this method is high absorption capacity and the better treating effect , and at the same condition , the adsorption property of modified sawdust is better than that of common sawdust .

  15. 在1000℃煅烧2h并添加3%的锯木屑和NaCl作增白剂,试样煅烧白度达到了90%。

    The test sample is calcined for 2 h at 1 000 ℃, using 3 % saw dust and NaCl as whitener , achieving a whiteness of 90 % .

  16. 随着空气流速的增加,同一种材料(木屑)在阴燃过程中CO2的平均排放速率先增大后减少,而CO的平均排放速率随空气流速的变化不大。

    For the sawdust sample smolder process , the average emission rate of CO_2 first rose , then dropped with the increase of air velocity , while the average emission rate of CO had no obvious change .

  17. 以木屑为载体固定化白腐菌对焦化废水进行处理,其对COD的去除率明显高于白腐菌菌丝和木屑的混合物。

    White rot fungus was immobilized on wood chips has been used for treating cooking wastewater , and the effect of COD removal from coking wastewater by the immobilized white rot fungus has been tested .

  18. 通过改性木屑吸附处理模拟含Cr(Ⅵ)水,探讨了废水酸度,吸附时间,废水中Cr(Ⅵ)的初始浓度,改性木屑用量对Cr(Ⅵ)吸附效果的影响。

    The treatment of chromium containing wastewater using modified sawdust adsorption was studied . The influences of acidity , adsorption time and initial chromium concentration of wastewater , and the sawdust on the adsorption efficiency of chromium removal were observed .

  19. 结果表明,在木屑、米糠混合培养基上菌丝的生长速度、密度以及菌丝的健壮程度都明显好于PDA培养基上生长的菌丝。

    The results showed that the growth rate 、 density and the health of mycelia on the medium mixed with wood flour and rice bram were significant better than that in contrast medium PDA .

  20. 研究不同微生物复合菌剂及添加比例对猪粪与木屑混合(鲜重比为鲜猪粪∶木屑9∶1)堆肥过程中NH3挥发的影响。

    This paper studied the effects of different mixed microbial agents on the NH_3 emission during pig manure-sawdust ( 9 ∶ 1 , fresh w / w ) composting .

  21. 分别以木屑、泥炭及水葫芦作为猪粪堆肥的调理剂,制作有机堆肥,研究了3种堆肥体系在堆制过程中温度、pH、C/N和主要营养元素N、P、K的动态变化。

    Three kinds of organic compost were manufactured from pig feces with sawdust , peat and water hyacinth respectively . The change of temperature , pH , C / N and the content of the main nutrient elements N , P , K during the composting were measured .

  22. 许多研究表明:选择适宜的草料替代木屑、麦麸等原料栽培食用菌可以明显改良食用菌的品质,降低食用菌子实体中Cd、Pb、Cr重金属的含量。

    Many researches showed that the herbage was able to use cultivating mushrooms instead of wood scraps and millfeed , and that proper herbage might obviously improve the quality of mushroom and decrease the heavy metals contents such as Cd , Pb and Cr.

  23. 通过富集,从白蚁肠道中分离到2株能以木屑为唯一碳源生长的菌株CA和菌株CB,经鉴定分别为芽孢杆菌(Bacillussp.)和肠杆菌(Enterobactersp.)

    Two bacterial strains , strain CA and strain CB , capable of growing well on wood dust medium were isolated from termite gut after enrichment , and were identified as Bacillus sp and Enterobacter sp. respectively .

  24. 本研究利用管式反应器对玉米秆和木屑的水热转化过程进行研究,采用红外光谱、HPLC、TOC、GC/MS、元素分析等仪器对反应产物进行分析。

    When hypothesis time arrived , take out tubular reactor rapidly and put it into cooling water to cease the reaction . The research uses instrument such as infrared spectrum , HPLC , TOC , GC / MS , ultimate analysis doing analysis .

  25. HCN受二次反应程度的影响最为明显。(4)对稻草、树叶和木屑快速热解产物分布进行了考察。

    HCN has the highest sensitivity to the secondary reactions . ( 4 ) Product distributions under rapid pyrolysis of rice straw , chinar leaves , and pine sawdust were investigated .

  26. 在白杨树锯木屑和冬蘑菇的栽培废料中加入10%的米糠后,在20-28℃下室外堆放12d。

    Poplar sawdusts and by-product of winter mushroom added by 10 % rice bran were composted outdoors at 20 ℃ to 28 ℃ for 12 days .

  27. 研究了木屑以及水解残渣在氮气氛围下的TG和DTG曲线,着重探索残渣的裂解特性,并与木屑的热解特性作了比较,给出残渣热裂解一级平行动力学模型及其频率因子和活化能。

    Thermal properties of sawdust and its hydrolysis residues were studied using TG ( thermogravimetry ) and DTG ( derivation thermogravimetry ) curves obtained in N_2 atmosphere . The activation energy and pre-exponential factor for pyrolysis of the residues were estimated from the kinetic models for first order parallel reactions .

  28. 采用木屑黄原酸酯(SCX)进行了处理铜离子废水试验,静态条件下研究了SCX-1对重金属离子的吸附性能,以及药剂用量、初水浓度、pH值和反应时间等条件对其效果的影响。

    The experimentation of sawdust cellulose xanthate in treatment of copper wastewater are discussed in the paper , the study mainly include its capability in adsorbing heavy metal and the affect under the other factors such as : dosage , concentration of wastewater , pH , time of reaction , etc.

  29. L(11)杂交株具有产量高、菇形好的优点,生物学效率保持在75%以上,是适合于木屑、棉籽壳代料栽培的优良菌株。

    L_ ( 11 ) has the feature of high yield and good shape of fruiting body . The biological efficiency was more than 75 % . It is suitable for the cultivation by using sawdust and cotton hull as matrix materials .

  30. 利用日本科学技术振兴机构赠送的S15型生态厕所,以玉米秸秆作为反应基质来处理人粪便,旨在研究玉米秸秆能否代替木屑作为生态厕所的反应基质。

    In this paper , we researched on the treatment of human feces , which employed the S-15 bio-toilet presented by Japan Science and Technology Agency , and the cornstalk as matrix .