
yòu hòu wèi
  • right back
右后卫[yòu hòu wèi]
  1. 我过去从来未当过右后卫。

    I 've never played right back before .

  2. “我也喜欢拉齐奥右后卫奥多”云格再说。

    " I also like Lazio right back Massimo Oddo ," added Wenger .

  3. 霍德格森认为,G强森没有表现出英格兰右后卫应有的水准。

    Glen Johnson has not performed to the standard of an England right-back , according to the Liverpool manager , Roy Hodgson .

  4. Wisdom还能够胜任右后卫和中路中场的位置,本赛季中也曾两度坐上一线队替补席,还曾获得机会随队征战欧联杯比赛。

    Wisdom , who can also operate adeptly at right-back or in the centre of midfield , was named on the first-team bench twice during the course of the season and was included in the Europa League squad .

  5. 琼斯周末在击败芝加哥的比赛中打的是中卫,而在周三击败MLS全明星的比赛中打的是右后卫。

    Jones featured in the centre of defence in the win over Chicago at the weekend , before being switched to right-back for the victory over the MLS All-Stars on Wednesday .

  6. 控制球组织进攻的队员右后卫是这个球队的组织进攻者。

    The right guard is the set-up player in this team .

  7. 我们只有两个右后卫:拉莫斯和阿贝罗阿;

    We only have two right backs : Ramos and Arbeloa .

  8. 我们认为可以让他试试右后卫的位置。

    We thought we 'd try him at right-back .

  9. 奥多-6分:在右后卫的位置上表现不错。

    Oddo-6 : Slotted in nicely at right-back .

  10. 除了右后卫,他还能打别的位置吗?

    He is nominally a right back but which other positions can he play in ?

  11. 他现在更强壮更敏捷,已经是个顶级右后卫了。

    He got stronger and quicker each year and has developed into a top-class right-back .

  12. 能打多个位置,最后在朴茨茅斯是打右后卫的。

    He played in a variety of positions and ended up at right-back with Portsmouth .

  13. 约翰森回到右后卫位置。

    Johnson has returned at right-back .

  14. 他从预备队提拔年轻的马丁凯利作为主力右后卫,明智。

    He promoted young Martin Kelly from the reserves to right full-back . Shrewder , still .

  15. 这位21岁的右后卫是曼联本周第二个跨过北方边界的球员。

    The21-year-old right-back is the second Reds player to go north of the border in a week .

  16. 法国队有许多进攻性的中场,但却缺少右后卫位置上的竞争。

    France have a glut of attacking midfielders but there is less competition on the right-hand side .

  17. 枪手表示,这名可以胜任右后卫的22岁的法国人,已经与俱乐部签下一份长期合同。

    The Gunners say the22-year-old frenchman , who can play at right-back , has signed a long-term deal .

  18. 斧头帮昨天收购阿森纳的右后卫劳伦失败后转而再回来引进法国人。

    The hammers are back in for the Frenchman after being turned down yesterday by Arsenal right-back lauren .

  19. 后排的三名是左后卫、中后卫和右后卫。

    The three players in the back row are called left back , center back and right back .

  20. 另一个右后卫-米格尔,也在努力获得自由身。

    Another right-back , benfica 's miguel , is also struggling to gain a release from his contract .

  21. 塔索蒂改打左后卫,右后卫的空缺则有年轻的帕努奇填补。

    Mauro Tassotti switched from right-back to left , and the young Christian Panucci filled Maldini 's usual position .

  22. 切尔西本来觉得他们已经完成了24岁的巴西右后卫阿尔维斯的转会到斯坦福桥。

    Chelsea thought they had reached a deal for alves , the24-year-old Brazilian right-back , to move to Stamford bridge .

  23. 斯莫林可能得继续打右后卫,而琼斯和埃文斯打中卫。

    Smalling is likely to continue at right-back with Jonny Evans and Phil Jones forming a partnership in the middle .

  24. 如果我能占据一个边后卫的位置,我会选择右后卫,因为我是右脚的。

    If I had to pick one of the full-back positions , I 'd probably choose right-back because I 'm right-footed .

  25. 90年代中期杀进一队,前英格兰国脚成为了他那一代人中最棒的右后卫。

    After breaking into the team in the mid '90s , the former England international became his generation 's best right-back .

  26. 鲁尼看起来在前锋线上很活跃,布朗在右后卫位置上的发挥也不错。

    Wayne Rooney looked lively up front , and Wes Brown can be satisfied with his night 's work at right-back .

  27. 我现在很高兴,就像几个月前一直在踢右后卫一样。

    I 'm very happy , just like I was a few months ago when I played as a right back .

  28. 这位阿雅克肖的右后卫被提名为法国联赛上赛季的球员评选的最佳球员。

    The Auxerre right back was named the players ' player of the year in his position in France last season .

  29. 即使我是踢右后卫起家的,但我确实很享受那种踢中场和踢全职后卫不一样的感觉。

    Even though I started out at right-back , I actually enjoy the contrast of playing both at full-back and in midfield .

  30. 在拉斯18岁时我就知道他了,我清楚地知道他可以胜任右后卫或者左后卫。

    I know Lass since he was18 years old and I know what he can do as a right or left back .