
  • 网络Nine to Five;nine-to-five;Work;a nine-to-five job
  1. 正扬织带时尚解析:朝九晚五的OL想要寻找摩登新变化,不妨考虑今年秋冬流行的修身针织外套。

    Nine to five of the OL looking for a modern new changes , may wish to consider this knit jacket Slim popular winter .

  2. 我不喜欢朝九晚五的工作。

    I don'tlike nine to five kind of job .

  3. 工作时间多数是朝九晚五,你觉得这样会让你感觉愉快吗?

    A job is pretty much nine-to-five . Is this what you feel would make you happy ?

  4. 18小时城市结合了24小时城市和朝九晚五城市的优势,促使了城市中心的复苏。

    18-hour cities combine the best of 24-hour and 9-5 cities , which contributes to downtown revitalization .

  5. 二十年前,美国城市土地学会定义了美国国土上两种主流的城市类型:实行朝九晚五商业时间的小城市和一天24小时运转的大城市大都市。

    Twenty years ago , the Urban Land Institute defined the two types of cities that dominated the US landscape : smaller cities that operated around standard 9-5 business hours and large metropolitan areas that ran all 24 hours of the day .

  6. 例句我哥哥一向不喜欢朝九晚五、循规蹈矩的工作。

    My brother never liked working in a conventional1 job .

  7. 男生马上要从商学院毕业,眼看着就要过上“朝九晚五”的生活了。

    The young man was about to graduate from the business school and become a nine-to-fiver .

  8. 这里朝九晚五,几乎不用加班,可以说是很多人梦寐以求的工作场所了。

    The jobs are nine-to-five and you rarely work overtime there . You can say that it ’ s many people ’ s dream workplace .

  9. 乔纳森?泰勒(JonathanTaylor)在为《泰晤士报教育增刊》(TimesEducationalSupplement)撰写的文章中解释了自己的决定,他指出,朝九晚五的工作模式反正将要终结。

    Explaining his decision in an article for the Times Educational Supplement , Jonathan Taylor pointed out that the 9-to-5 mode of working was disappearing anyhow .

  10. 有一些人在办公室每天做着同样的事情,过着朝九晚五(nine-to-five)的生活。

    Some work in an office doing the same things every day at nine-to-five jobs .

  11. Netflix指出,既然我们不再期望人们朝九晚五地工作,而我们又信任他们可以在家工作,还固守固定假期的观念就神经不正常了。

    Netflix points out that as we no longer expect people to work 9 to 5 , and we trust them to work from home , it is madness to cling to the idea of fixed holidays .

  12. 学习好的学生十有八九(Ninetimesoutoften)能找到好工作,一些做办公室工作的人朝九晚五(nine-to-five)。

    Nine times out of ten , students who do well in school find good jobs . Some work in an office doing the same things every day at nine-to-five jobs . You do not have to dress to the nines , or wear your best clothes , for this kind of work .

  13. 这个人必定要告别其在标准电话与电缆有限公司的朝九晚五的工作,织驶向佩恩顿的A379道,踏上征程。

    He must bid farewell to the nine-to-five job at Standard Telephones and Cables , up the A379 in Paignton , and hit the more open road .

  14. 德米特里蔠利尼琴科(DmitryMelnichenko)打算辞去朝九晚五的稳定工作,在家当一名自由网络开发员的时候,他的妻子有过疑虑:收入来源不稳定,缺乏与同事的互动,而且他们还有个小女儿,这些都是需要考虑的问题。

    Dmitry Melnichenko 's wife had doubts about his plan to quit his stable , nine-to-five job to work from home as a freelance web developer ; there was the uncertain income stream , the lack of interaction with colleagues and their young daughter to think about .

  15. 多数水瓶座的人宁愿死也不做朝九晚五的上班族。

    Most Aquarians would rather die than do the nine-to-five gig .

  16. 护理不是一个朝九晚五、拥有周末的工作。

    Nursing is not a nine-to-five job with every weekend off .

  17. 通过在线申请,她在美团网得到了一份朝九晚五的工作。

    Chen applied online and landed a 9-to-5 part-time job at Meituan.com .

  18. 如今,这意味着朝九晚五的工作不再适合所有人。

    Now , this means the nine-to-five no longer works for anyone .

  19. 事实上我再也不能忍受这朝九晚五的生活。

    The fact that I can 't get by with my9 to5 .

  20. 抛弃朝九晚五的传统生活还有一个缺点。

    There is another downside to leaving the usual nine-to-five day behind .

  21. 但我最好还是回到我朝九晚五的工作。

    but I 'd better get back to my 9-to-5 .

  22. 但别指望在这间办公室里能够朝九晚五。

    But don 't get too used to regular hours in this office .

  23. 她每天‘朝九晚五’,周日休息。

    " She works nine to five and takes Sundays off ," Yamaki said .

  24. 我就是朝九晚五的自由译者,周围都是一些这样的朋友。

    I myself worked in an office where the majority of translators were freelancers .

  25. 朝九晚五,回家吻劳瑞尔这样的事

    Nine to five , go home kiss Laurel , that sort of thing .

  26. 从前,工作日就是朝九晚五。

    Once upon a time the working day used to last from nine to five .

  27. 我们为什么把工作叫做朝九晚五,那是有原因的。

    There 's a reason why we call your day job a 9 to 5 .

  28. 教学不是朝九晚五式的工作。

    Teaching is no 9-to-5 job .

  29. 在朝九晚五的上班时间,恋情不应该出现在你脑海中。

    Between 9 and 5 romance must appear to be the last thing on your mind .

  30. 再也不是朝九晚五了。

    It 's nine-to-five no more .