
  • 网络Service personnel;NSmen
  1. 我们应加强服役人员的纪律性。

    We should jack up discipline among the servicemen .

  2. 加强服役人员的纪律性他在一艘驱逐舰上服役。

    Jack up discipline among the servicemen He is attached to a destroyer .

  3. 但如果被发现是同性恋者,服役人员将被开除。

    But service members can be discharged if they are found to be homosexual .

  4. 许多服役人员在经历性创伤后不久就离开了军队,但不是自愿的。

    Many service members leave the military soon after experiencing sexual trauma - but not voluntarily .

  5. 总统赞扬了那些在军队中服役人员的品质和无私。

    The president praised those who 'd served in the military for their character and selflessness .

  6. 墓碑记载着三位匿名部队服役人员的功勋,从第一次、第二次世界大战到朝鲜战争。

    The Tomb of the Unknowns honors three anonymous service members-from World Wars I and II and the Korean War .

  7. 这是我们对服役人员的神圣职责,他们的付出不息,我们的职责不断。

    That is our sacred trust with all who serve and it doesnt end when their tour of duty does .

  8. 声明写道:国际安全援助部队目前确认一名部队服役人员已经身亡。事件正在调查中。

    At this time , ISAF can confirm one ISAF service member was killed . This incident is under investigation , the statement reads .

  9. 今年七月,美国国防部通过电子邮件向四十万军中服役人员发送了“不问不说”的民意调查。

    In July , the Defense Department e-mailed a " Don 't Ask , Don 't Tell " opinion survey to four hundred thousand service members .

  10. 在我宣布增兵阿富汗时,听众当中的4名服役人员后来就在那里壮烈牺牲。

    Four of the service members who stood in the audience when I announced the surge of our forces in Afghanistan gave their lives in that effort .

  11. 尽管多数商学院没有追踪军队服役人员的入学申请,但一些学校为军人提供学费特别优惠措施,其它一些学校还针对老兵设立了奖学金。

    While most business schools do not track applications from service personnel , some offer special tuition breaks to military personnel , while others have set up fellowships for veterans .

  12. 军队服役人员会像往常一样上班,但是五角大楼表示,军队随时会出现关闭的情况,他们称此前的预算削减已经形成了问题。

    Uniform service members will report for duty as usual , but the Pentagon says the shutdown will erode readiness , which they say is already a problem due to previous budget cuts .

  13. 每当我作为三军统帅,必须要给那些失去了心爱之人以及那些遭受重大创伤的服役人员的家人写信的时候,种种艰难时时刻刻都压在我的心头。

    These efforts weigh on me every time I , as Commander-in-Chief , have to sign a letter to a family that has lost a loved one , or look into the eyes of a service member whos been gravely wounded .

  14. 来自退伍军人权益组织“化剑为犁”在2016年3月的一份报告中汇编的数据,这一比例几乎是2002年至2013年期间获得不完全光荣退役的所有服役人员比例的1.5倍。

    That 's nearly one and a half times more than the percentage of overall service members who received less-than-fully-honorable discharges from 2002 to 2013 , according to data compiled in a March 2016 report by Swords to Plowshares , a veterans advocacy group .

  15. 北约称,周四,5名美国服役人员在阿富汗南部牺牲。国际安全援助部队称,其中3人死于路边炸弹,1人死于枪伤。第5人在巡逻时牺牲。

    NATO says 5 US service members were killed Thursday in Southern Afghanistan.The International Security Assistance Force says there 3 of the service members were killed by a roadside bomb , one died of gunshot wounds . well , the fifth was killed while on patrol .

  16. 在担任美国参议员的时候,他争取保证海外服役人员回国后享受到的不仅仅是奖章和游行欢呼,还有好的工作、福利待遇以及健康保健,包括精神方面的健康保健。

    It 's what he 's done in the United States Senate , fighting to ensure that the men and women who serve this country are welcomed home not just with medals and parades , but with good jobs and benefits and health care , including mental health care .

  17. 如果仅仅是为了让正在服役的人员和高危人员避免轻微感冒的伤害,即使轻微感冒也会让他们失去工作,就可能需要提高工资。

    They might require boosting if for no other reason than to keep people who are serving and who are at highest risk out of harm 's way from even minor colds that could keep them out of work .

  18. 服役期为5年以上科技人员的躯体化、忧郁和偏执等因子分均明显高于服役1~4年科技人员(P<0.05,P<0.01);

    The scores of somatization , depression , and paranoid ideation in the group ≥ 5 years of length of service were higher than the group of 1 ~ 4 years ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .