
yǒu dào
  • Youdao;adhere to principles of truth and right;have attained the Tao;be accomplished in the Tao
有道 [yǒu dào]
  • (1) [capable;proficient]:有德有才或通达事理

  • (2) [be honest and upright]:指政治清明,有德政

  • 就有道而正也。--清. 刘开《问说》

  • 有道之士。--《吕氏春秋.察今》

  1. 我能看出他的深色袜子上有道条纹。

    His dark socks , I could see , had a stripe on them .

  2. 他看到这个男人后脑勺上有道大口子,血还在往外渗。

    He saw there was a big hole in the back of the man 's head , blood was still oozing from it

  3. 墙上有道裂缝。

    There is a gap in the wall .

  4. 壶底有道漏缝。

    There is a crack in the bottom of the kettle .

  5. 天下有道。

    The Tao prevails under heaven ( or in the empire ) . or good government prevails .

  6. n.裂缝冰上有道裂缝,不要在这附近溜冰。

    crack There is a crack in the ice , don 't skate around here .

  7. 很少有人怀疑,除了那些巨型聚合商,许多PSL也能在这个免费的世界里通过销售“脱颖而出”的机会,结合其他的生财要素而赚钱有道。

    There is little doubt that besides the mega-aggregators , in the world of the free many PDLs will make money selling findability & in addition to the other generative qualities .

  8. 慧眼识人,知人善任,经营有道,生意兴隆。

    Be affirmative with unerring intuition for his booming business tactics .

  9. 他秘密网易有道在线翻译了议员,暗中对他施加影响。

    He met the congressmen in secret to exert backstairs influence .

  10. 有道是:一个强有力的下巴,是性格坚强的标志。

    It is said that a strong jaw indicates firm character .

  11. 有道延伸到停车场的痕迹。

    It 's a trail leading out to the parking lot .

  12. 你眼睛上面有道大伤口

    Nothing ? You got a huge gash above your eye .

  13. 玄妙的思考中,有道的宗旨。

    In our abstruse thinking , there are substances of Dao .

  14. 哇,亲爱的,你身上有道很深的凹痕。

    Whoa , honey . You got a nasty dent there .

  15. 隐逸文化有道家和儒家两个源头。

    Seclusion culture has two sources : Taoism and Confucianism .

  16. 44教育程度:需要有道学硕士(或同等)?

    Education : Should have Master of Divinity degree ( or equivalent )?

  17. 哪一方的君主是有道明君,能得民心?

    Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the Moral law ?

  18. 他右边太阳穴上有道伤痕。

    He had a cut on his right temple . float

  19. 谢谢收看“钱生钱有道”教程。

    Thanks for watching video How To Make Your Money Work For You

  20. 老师对那学生所犯的错,感到有道议上的责任。

    The teacher felt a moral responsibility for the student 's crime .

  21. 那家伙看起来脸上也有道伤疤。

    It looks like that guy 's got a scar on his face .

  22. 她退缩了,就好像有道强光突然使她眼花了似的。

    She flinched as though a bright light had suddenly dazzled her eyes .

  23. 浴室空间,丰盈有道罐式集装箱设计

    The Tao of Bathroom The Tank Container 's Design

  24. 他脸上有道深深的抓痕。

    He has a deep scratch on his face .

  25. 冰上有道裂缝,不要在这四周溜冰。

    There is a crack in the ice . Don 't skate around here .

  26. 有道是新的开始需要旧的故事来了结。

    The thing about new beginnings is that they require something else to end .

  27. 有道的政府不应该是这样来任官的吧!

    A government of Tao should not take this way to appoint its officials .

  28. 管子上有道裂缝。

    There 's a break in the pipe .

  29. 你这里有道很深的口子。

    You have a nasty cut there .

  30. 上颚上有道深深的凹槽。

    The upper jaw is deeply grooved .