
  • 网络colored impurities;foreign pigment
  1. 对苯二甲酸氧化残渣中的有色杂质在活性炭上的吸附规律

    Adsorptive Behavior of Colored Impurities Generated in Aromatic Hydrocarbon Oxidation Process on Activated Carbons

  2. 我们用反相色谱和紫外分光光度计检测了有色杂质在纯化过程的浓度变化。

    The change of the colored impurities during the purification process was monitored by HPLC and UV-Vis spectrometry .

  3. 目的:探讨一种新的适合的HPTLC展开系统以直观分析头孢呋辛钠的有色杂质。

    Objective : To develop a kind of developing system of HPTLC for direct analyzing the colored impurity of cefuroxime sodium .

  4. 谈药品外观颜色的确定及有色杂质的控制

    Discuss on color and appearance control of drugs

  5. 为进行有色杂质检测和控制,提供了新的方法和思路。

    The Establishment and Application of the Color System Model provide a novel method on carrying out the test and control of colour impurity .

  6. 目前,药品质量受到广泛的关注,对杂质的控制更是日益严格溶液颜色检查法,作为对有色杂质进行有效控制的便捷方法,在实际药品检验过程中,也起着不可替代的作用。

    Test of Colour of Solution is a convenient and effective method for colour impurity control . It is an important test method in practice drug quality control .

  7. 在采用溶剂萃取法净化磷酸的过程中,湿法磷酸中的有色杂质会与萃取剂作用,影响萃取过程,因此有必要在萃取前对其进行脱色处理,去除其中的有机杂质。

    During the purification process of wet-process phosphoric acid ( WPA ) by solvent extraction , the colored organic impurities in WPA would act on the solvent and affect the extraction process accordingly .

  8. 由于该尾矿矿石性质非常复杂,为高泥质褐铁矿,并伴生大量的多种有色金属杂质,因此该尾矿综合回收难度非常大。

    Due to the nature of the tailing is complicated , high mud and associating many of nonferrous metals , so recycling is difficult .

  9. 有色金属中杂质铁的快速测定方法

    Fast determination of iron inclusion in nonferrous metal