
  • 网络sulphite wood pulp;SULPHITEWOODPULP
  1. 亚硫酸盐木浆,但溶解级的除外。

    Chemical wood pulp , sulphite , other than dissolving grades .

  2. 对酸性亚硫酸盐杨木浆中的树脂问题进行了系统的研究。结果表明杨木原料中的树脂约有55%保留在浆中,其中约57%集中于占浆总量13%的小于100目的细小组分中;

    In producing acid sulfite broad leaf pulp , we find that 55 % resin of the poplar is kept in the pulp and 57 % of the resin is concentrated in the fines smaller than 100 meshes , which occupy 13 % of total the pulp .