
  • moon tides
  1. 月球潮汐及精密激光测月中的潮汐改正

    Moon tides and tidal correction in lunar laser ranging

  2. 孩子们弄懂了月球与潮汐的关系。

    The children learn about the relationship between the moon and the tide .

  3. 月球的潮汐加速度

    Tidal acceleration of the moon

  4. 要是没有月球,潮汐池里的许多生命将会消逝,而潮汐冲刷清洗的作用也会停下来。

    Without the Moon , the many forms of life in tidal pools would die and the cleansing action of washing tides would cease .

  5. 甚至在古代,人们就知道在月球和潮汐的周期性变化之间,存在一定关系。

    That there is a relationship of some kind between the moon and the rhythm of the tides was known even in ancient times .

  6. 地球和月球的弹性潮汐形变解

    The resolution of the tidal deformations of the moon and the earth

  7. 之前估算的2.3秒的结果就是基于已知的月球引力引起海洋潮汐来预估的。

    The previous 2.3 ms estimate had been based on calculations of the moon 's known earth-braking forces , causing the ocean tides .

  8. 对云南地区12个水氡点资料进行了统计分析,发现水氡浓度普遍存在月变现象,这种月变是与月球运动有关的潮汐响应。

    After analyzing the data of 12 water radon points in Yunnan area , it is discovered that the radon concentration in ground water has month wave phenomena ( month variation ), which is the tide response related to the moon movement .

  9. 此外,太阳在引起潮汐方面,其效率只有月球的46%.换言之,月球贡献的潮汐,有太阳的两倍之多了。

    Also , the sun is only 46 % effective in creating tides on earth , compared to the moon . So the moon contributes in creating tides twice as much as the sun .