
zuì ɡāo tǒnɡ shuài
  • commander-in-chief;supreme commander;generalissimo;C-in-C
  1. 麦克阿瑟将军曾是太平洋战区盟军的最高统帅。

    MacArthur was Supreme Commander for the allied powers in the Pacific .

  2. 最高统帅命令投入4个师人马。

    The supreme commander ordered the release off our divisions .

  3. 他将担任武装部队的最高统帅。

    He was to be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces .

  4. 作为最高统帅,我希望我们的军人知道:

    And as Commander-in-Chief , I want our troops to know :

  5. 这位最高统帅公布了他那臭名昭著的实行焦土政策的指示。

    The Supreme Warlord promulgated his infamous " scorched earth " directive .

  6. 盟国远征军最高统帅部统帅部正在调遣部队进入攻击发动地带。

    The high Command was jockeying its force into place for attack .

  7. 他们的指挥官们以及苏雷纳斯(最高统帅)本人。”

    was given by the principal leaders and the Surenas himself . "

  8. 这对最高统帅的打击实在太大了。

    This was too much for the Supreme warlord .

  9. 但是,德军最高统帅部还是上了盟军的当!

    The German High Command took the bait anyway .

  10. 作为最高统帅,我所肩负的最重大的职责莫过于保障这个国家的安全。

    As Commander-in-Chief , I have no greater responsibility than keeping this country safe .

  11. 而今晚,我们把这份殊荣赐予我们的最高统帅。

    And tonight , we extend that same courtesy to our command in chief .

  12. 论苏军最高统帅部在卫国战争中的作用

    On the Roles of Soviet Supreme Command in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany

  13. 盟国远征军最高统帅部东京盟军最高司令部

    Supreme Command Allied Powers , in Tokyo

  14. 把我从最高统帅部调到战场上似乎是一个值得庆幸的前景。

    To be transferred from supreme Headquarters to the field seemed to me a welcome prospect .

  15. 他在担任北大西洋公约组织的驻欧洲盟军最高统帅时,曾敦促北约盟国把全球能源供应作为一项安全问题对待。

    While serving in Europe he encouraged NATO to regard global energy as a security issue .

  16. 因此,这个最高统帅,无议是英国人或美国人,都将陷于无能为力的境地。

    The supreme commander , British or American , would therefore be placed in an impossible position .

  17. 民意调查始终显示,美国公众更加信任麦凯恩担任最高统帅。

    Opinion polls consistently show that the American public has more faith in Mr McCain as commander-in-chief .

  18. 这类片断引语表明最高统帅部里几乎每个小时所感到的印象。

    These fragmentary quotations show the impressions prevailing almost from hour to hour at the Supreme headquarters .

  19. 他们向他们的最高统帅致敬,这位最高统帅,你可能记得,就是美国总统。

    They greeted their commander-in-chief who , as you may recall , is the president of the United states .

  20. 威尔士亲王(查尔斯王子)被英国女王授予英国海、陆、空三军最高统帅的军衔。

    The Prince of Wales has been awarded the highest rank in all three military services by the Queen .

  21. 1977年比利时空军最高统帅部终止了该队的训练。

    Unfortunately , in1977 , the Belgian Air Force high command halted the team existence for a considerable period .

  22. 在内阁会议召开之前,总理和最高统帅曾对这个问题进行了一场激烈的争辩。

    This issue was fought out between the Premier and the Generalissimo at a stormy interview before the Council meeting .

  23. 作为最高统帅,我经历过很多与受伤的战士在一起的感人时刻。

    Some of the most moving moments I 've experienced as Commander in Chief have been with our wounded warriors .

  24. 可事实上,欧亚国的最高统帅部打起了南印,北非倒是剩了下来。

    As it happened , the Eurasian Higher Command had launched its offensive in South India and left North Africa alone .

  25. 5月4日,德军最高统帅部命令所有在德国西北部、丹麦和荷兰的德军向蒙哥马利元帅投降。

    On May 4 the German High Command surrendered to Montgomery all German forces in northwest Germany , Denmark and Holland .

  26. 它坐落在布西庄园,此处后来用作盟军最高统帅部。

    Its site was carved out of Bushy Park , itself largely given over to Supreme Headquarters , Allied Expeditionary Forces .

  27. 看起来很像是盟国远征军最高统帅部情报处已经被英美侦探小说作家打进去了。

    It would almost seem as though the Allied Supreme Commander 's intelligence staff had been infiltrated by British and American mystery writers .

  28. 过了几分钟,经过了一段不长的路途我们就接近了最高统帅部代表,沃罗诺夫元帅所在地。

    Distance was not too large , and several minutes later we approached the house where Marshal Voronov , Stavka representative , was stationed .

  29. 反秦起义爆发后,项羽参加了他叔叔领导的楚军,最后继承他的位置成了最高统帅。

    When rebellions erupted against the Dynasty , Xiang Yu joined the Ch'u armies led by his uncle , eventually succeeding him as supreme commander .

  30. 作为最高统帅,我希望我们的军人知道:你们的祖国和人民全力支持你们和你们的家庭,并对你们和你们的家人致以最崇高的敬意。

    And as Commander-in-Chief , I want our troops to know : your country is united in our support and gratitude for you and your families .