
  1. 每年世界各地有成千上万这样的事情发生,很多事件最后的真相或是恶作剧,或是自然现象。

    Thousands of such incidents are reported around the world each year , though many turn out to be hoaxes or natural phenomena .

  2. 直至最后的真相发布,微博舆论才开始逐渐平息,但仍有部分用户不相信官方结论,这其中表现的舆论情绪和官方公信力的缺失是值得我们反思的。

    Not until the final truth released , the opinion in the micro-blogging have began to subside , but there are still some people who do not believe the official conclusion . The performance of the public mood and official credibility absence are worth our reflection .

  3. 好的笑话或神秘小说都是一路曲折,直至最后的笑料或真相。

    A good joke or a mystery novel has along wind up to the final punchline .

  4. 最后拍成的影片《真相最可笑》得到了评论家的盛赞。

    The resulting show , ' Only the Truth is Funny ' , has drawn raves from the critics .

  5. 罗伯塔起了疑心,最后弄清了事情的真相。

    Roberta began to be suspicious and eventually found out the truth .

  6. 我品尝这最后一口甜美的真相正茹我爱你的心你不能明白一样。

    I have a sweet taste of this last truth is Ru heart I love you like you can not understand .