
  • 网络Barcelona;FC Barcelona
  1. 他就读于巴塞隆纳的LaLonja艺术学校,并且在1918年,巴塞隆纳的达尔玛画廊举办第一次个展。

    He studied at La Lonja School of Fine Arts in Barcelona , and in1918 set up his first individual exhibition in the Dalmau Galleries , in the same city .

  2. 巴塞隆纳因为安东尼高迪设计的建筑而有名。

    Barcelona is famous for its buildings designed by Antoni Gaudi .

  3. 赖利:你昨天有没有看电视转播的巴塞隆纳对皇家马德里球赛?

    Larry : did you see the barcelona-real Madrid match on TV yesterday ?

  4. 她很亲切并且告诉我在巴塞隆纳可以买到小布的商店。

    She was lovely and told me that I could buy them in a shop in Barcelona .

  5. 澳大利亚的安全车事件真的很倒霉,在巴塞隆纳我们也很有竞争力。

    In Australia I was really unlucky with the safety car and in Barcelona we were also quite competitive .

  6. 去年我带2名扶少团团员到巴塞隆纳参加国际扶轮年会,让他们深刻体认扶轮的国际性。

    Last year , I took two interactors to the RI Convention in barcelona , impressing upon them rotary 's internationality .

  7. 这名巴塞隆纳球星因队友特维兹介绍下,已经深爱这只已解散的曼彻斯特乐团好一阵子了。

    The Barcelona star has been hooked on the Mancunian band 's work since being introduced to it by his Argentina team-mate Carlos Tevez .