
  • 网络curve negotiation;curve passing
  1. 研究表明:独立车轮转向架车辆具有良好的曲线通过性能,能以15km/h的速度通过半径为50m的曲线;

    It is shown that railway vehicle with independent wheels have good curve passing through performance , and could pass through the curve with the radius of 50 meters ;

  2. 通过对四种踏面对车辆动力学性能的影响进行计算分析,得出结论:MDL踏面的设计是比较合理的,可以得到比较好的平稳性、直线对中性能和曲线通过能力。

    We can get the conclusion that the design of the MDL tread is more reasonable and it can get better riding quality , center capability in straight line and curve passing performance according to analysis the vehicle dynamics with 4 kinds of treads .

  3. MATLAB语言在内燃机万有特性研究中的应用机车动力曲线通过通用方程

    The Use of MATLAB in Research of Universal Charateristic Curve Universal equation of locomotive during curve negotiation

  4. 本文经过优化结构参数,初步设计了一种C0-C0轴式机车转向架方案。动力学计算表明,该转向架的直线运行稳定性、平稳性和曲线通过性能较好,基本能满足机车高速运行的要求。

    In this paper , a C_0-C_0 locomotive bogie is designed and the dynamics analysis shows that the bogie can achieve good riding stability , riding quality and curving performance .

  5. GH(70/2.2-3)型液化气罐车曲线通过能力的计算与校核

    Calculating and Checking of the Curve Negotiating Ability of GH 70 / 2.2 3 Type Tank Car for Liquefied Gas

  6. 根据超高对车底轨面高度抬高的有利影响,建议在最小半径曲线通过时应当有适当的超高量(20-30)mm。

    According to the beneficial influence of superelevation to the flatcar bottom raised from rail surface , it is advised that the suitable superelevation ( 20-30 ) mm is necessary in the minimum radius curve negotiation .

  7. 在CAGD中,构造光滑曲线通过给定的二维或三维点集是非常重要的问题。

    An important problem in CAGD is to pass a smooth curve through a set of two or three dimensional points .

  8. 使用开放式机器人控制器系统作为试验平台,NURBS曲线通过迭代最近点的拟合方法获得。

    An open architecture robot controller is used as the testbed . The NURBS curve is calculated with an ICP ( Iterated Closest Point ) - based fitting algorithm .

  9. 依据信息熵的理论提出了一种将探测数据、RCS样本曲线通过可能性概率进行匹配的目标识别方法。

    Then on the basis of information intelligence quotient , we develop a new target recognition method , which matches the detective data and RCS sample curve though feasible probability .

  10. 编写了车桥耦合程序(VBC)中车辆曲线通过的模块。

    Producing computer program module of vehicle on curved track in VBC .

  11. 目前灰色系统理论在建立GM(1,1)模型时通常采用假定拟合曲线通过建模数据第一点来确定积分常数,从而得到预测公式的方法。

    When grey systematic theory at present set up GM ( 1 , 1 ), it assumes that fit curve passes the first point of modeling data to confirm the integral constant , thus obtained to forecast formula .

  12. 运用SIMPACK软件,建立了架桥机运输平车的多体拓扑关系图,并对其进行了几何曲线通过和动态曲线通过分析。

    The SIMPACK software is used to establish the multi-body topography of the flat car for transport of bridging machines .

  13. 分析表明,将Barton标准轮廓曲线通过分形维定量化是确定JRC值的有效方法,能避免目视产生的误差。

    The analysis results show that determining JRC value by quantifying Barton standard outline curve in fractal dimension is an efficient method , and this method can avoid errors by visual evaluation .

  14. 经AAR试验表明,与常规转向架及性能良好的转向架相比,Resco径向转向架的曲线通过能力非常优越,动力学稳定性极好。

    The AAR test shows that the Resco steered truck has excellent negotiation performance and very good dynamic stability comparing with common bogies and bogies with good performance .

  15. 参照Talgo列车的独立轮对导向结构,建立了新型独立轮对动车组的多体动力学数值计算模型,应用作者研制的车辆多体系统动力学程序,进行横向稳定性和稳态曲线通过性能的计算分析。

    With reference to the IRW guiding structure of Talgo , the paper establishes the multi body dynamics numerical computation model of a new type multiple unit .

  16. 车辆稳态曲线通过性能的延续算法在求解曲线情况下的列车(车辆)平衡位置时采用了DEPAR延续算法,大大加快了求解速度。

    To determine the equilibrium positions of the vehicle or train on curved tracks , a powerful DEPAR continuation algorithm which can improve the calculation speed obviously is adopted .

  17. 在计算分析的基础上,论述了SS7型B0-B0-B0轴式电力机车走行部参数和结构选择的依据,探讨了在转向架之间要安装横向连接器改善机车动力曲线通过性能的问题。

    On the basis of calculation and analysis , the author discusses . the choice basis of running gear parameters and structure for SS7 B. - B. -B.electric locomotive , explores the improvement of curve negotiation of the locomotive by installing transverse connectors between bogies .

  18. 并用编制的仿真软件VSDS对ManchesterBenchmarks的客车模型进行了曲线通过工况仿真,指出绝对空间中铁道车辆非线性动力学仿真的可行性和实用性。

    With the implemented software VSDS , simulation results are reported for the passenger car on the curve track case of Manchester Benchmarks . It is pointed out that nonlinear dynamics simulation of rail vehicles in the absolute space is feasible and convenient .

  19. 本文论证了在各种线路状况下,GH70/2.2&3型液化气罐车的曲线通过能力,并进行了计算与校核,为该车的总体结构参数确定提供了理论依据。

    In this paper , the curve negotiating ability of GH70 / 2.2 3 type tank car for liquefied gas under various line conditions is demonstrated , calculating and checking is carried out , which provides theoretical basis for the overall structural parameters of the car .

  20. 机车牵引状态下曲线通过导向特性研究

    Study on the Steering Characteristics of Curve Negotiation under Locomotive Traction

  21. 摆式车辆曲线通过仿真

    Tilting Cars used on Europe Curving Simulation of a Pendulum Vehicle

  22. 机车非线性动态曲线通过及直线横向响应性能分析

    Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Curving and Lateral Tangent Response of Locomotives

  23. 高速铁道车辆稳态曲线通过研究

    A Study of Steady-State Curving of High Speed Railway Vehicles

  24. 横风对高速动车曲线通过性能的影响

    Effects of Crosswinds on Curve Negotiation of High - Speed Power Cars

  25. 曲线通过性能是车辆动力学研究领域中的重要课题之一。

    Curving performance is one of important topics on the vehicle dynamics .

  26. 径向转向架机车非线性动态曲线通过研究

    A study of nonlinear dynamic curve negotiation of locomotives with radial bogies

  27. 低速磁浮车辆曲线通过动态响应仿真分析

    Simulation Analysis of the Dynamic Response of Low-speed Maglev Vehicle Curve Negotiation

  28. 单轮对耦合径向转向架曲线通过性能的研究

    Study on Curving Performance of Coupled Single - axle Bogies

  29. 橡胶轮低地板拖车转向架车辆动态曲线通过分析

    Study on Curving Behavior for Rubber-Tired and Low-Floor Bogie Vehicle

  30. 三转向架磁悬浮车几何曲线通过分析

    Research on Geometrical Curve Negotiating of Three-Truck Maglev Vehicle