
qū ɡùn qiú chǎnɡ
  • field hockey field;hockey field;playing field
  1. TPV卷材在奥林匹克公园曲棍球场及射箭场渗漏治理工程中的应用

    Application of TPV membrane in leak treatment for Hockey Field and Archery Field of Olympic Park , Beijing

  2. 曲棍球场是一个长方形草地球场,长100码,宽60码。草地足球场兼曲棍球场

    The hockey field is a rectangular grass field with one hundred yards long , sixty yards wide . turfed soccer cum hockey pitch

  3. 布里斯班计划用84%的现有或临时场馆来举办奥运会,并计划将加巴曲棍球场改造成主场馆。

    The plans made use of 84 % existing or temporary venues , with the Gabba cricket ground set to be rebuilt to become the lead venue .

  4. 卡多根小姐正在曲棍球场上担任一场比赛的裁判。

    On the hockey pitch Miss Cadogan was umpiring a game .

  5. 曲棍球场:曲棍球进行比赛的场地。

    Pitch : The playing field for hockey .

  6. 你们知道曲棍球场怎么走吗

    You wouldn 't know the way to the hockey pitch , would you ?

  7. 犹太人禁止使用游泳池、网球场、曲棍球场以及其他任何运动场地;

    Jews were forbidden to use swimming pools , tennis courts , hockey fields or any other athletic fields ;

  8. 那个男人酷酷的说,“首先,这个一个曲棍球场,然后,你必须要为你挖得洞赔钱!”

    So the man cooly says " well first of all , this is a hockey rink , and second of all , you are going to have to pay for those holes . "

  9. 政府首席审计师7月的一份被泄露的报告显示,13处主要场馆建设进度严重滞后&游泳馆、拳击馆、曲棍球场以及橄榄球场都只完成了一半。

    According to a leaked report by the government 's main auditor in July , work on13 of them was badly behind schedule & with swimming , boxing , hockey and rugby sites half-finished .

  10. 昨天,在已基本完工的奥林匹克公园曲棍球场里,工人们开始铺装比赛用人工草皮,为即将举行的“好运北京”赛事做准备。

    Yesterday , has been basically completed in the Olympic park hockey field , the people started surfacing competition with artificial turf for the upcoming " good luck beijing " prepare for the race .

  11. 今年,公司又新建了3个保健中心,一个占地7英亩的综合运动馆,内设一个曲棍球场,若干篮球场、室外地滚球场、沙壶球场以及掷马蹄游戏沙坑等。

    New this year are three wellness centers and a seven-acre sports complex , which includes a roller hockey rink ; courts for basketball , Bocce , and shuffle ball ; and horseshoe pits .

  12. 赫尔辛基地处北纬60度左右,虽不足以避免被狂风荡平地面的结局,但赫尔辛基城市下的基岩里有一套复杂的地下通道,以及一个个地下购物中心、曲棍球场和游泳池等设施。

    While its high latitude-above 60 ° N-wouldn 't be enough to keep it from being scoured clean by the winds , the bedrock below Helsinki contains a sophisticated network of tunnels , along with a subterranean shopping mall , hockey rink , swimming complex , and more .

  13. 针对北京奥运中心曲棍球训练场改扩建工程之一的室内防水工程,介绍了工程所用反应型聚合物水泥防水涂料(FJS)的性能,并对工程主要防水施工工艺及相关防水构造设计作了详细介绍。

    Based on the indoor waterproofing project of Olympic hockey court in Beijing , this article introduces the performance of reactive polymer cement waterproofing coating used , the main waterproofing technique and waterproofing design .

  14. 在曲棍球或长曲棍球场上标识在球门前的一个长方形区域。

    A rectangular area marked off in front of the goal in hockey and lacrosse .

  15. 网球,马球和曲棍球。草地足球场兼曲棍球场

    " Tennis , polo and field hockey . " turfed soccer cum hockey pitch

  16. 曲棍球运动物理性质的实验测定雅典奥运会曲棍球场照明设计

    The Lighting Design of Athens Olympic Games Field Hockey Stadium