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mù chūn
  • late spring;end of spring
暮春 [mù chūn]
  • [end of spring] 春天最后一段时间,指农历三月

暮春[mù chūn]
  1. 但我的暮春却不曾开花结蕾;

    But my late spring no bud or blossom shew'th .

  2. 暮春时节,天气变热。

    In the late spring it 's getting hot .

  3. 她在1740年的暮春离开了孟加拉。

    She left Bengal during the late spring of1740 .

  4. 龙卷风在闷热潮湿的雷暴天气发作,通常在暮春和夏天。

    Tornadoes start in muggy thunderstorm weather , usually in late spring and summer .

  5. 这大概是1933年暮春政府面临的最重要的问题。

    This was perhaps the most important question confronting the adminstration in the late spring of1933 .

  6. 暮春的油菜花一片放肆,粉蝶轰轰其上。

    In late spring , the flowers of rape are blossoming wildly , alluring swarms of butterflies .

  7. 我说的晚春,不是暮春,而是说今年的春姗姗来迟了。

    I say late spring , not late spring , but that the late spring of this year was .

  8. 也有人指出,其实早在周朝就已经有暮春禁火的记载了,恐怕把寒食与介子推之死联系在一起的说法经不起推敲。

    Therefore , it sounds dubious when people connect the death of Jie Zitui with the practice of eating cold food .

  9. 各种大型并通常是褐色的北美洲食叶甲虫,暮春时节出现;幼虫以草根等为食。

    Any of various large usually brown North American leaf-eating beetles common in late spring ; the larvae feed on roots of grasses etc.

  10. 每当岁暮春醒,从内心深处,幽然想起了你。祝福你,欢乐年年。

    Every time the year ends and spring wakes , I cannot help thinking of you . I wish you happiness year after year .

  11. 我曾经历过暮春时节的一场暴风雨,它所启示的意义,很值得拿来印证一下:那日黑云蔽天,云层中闪闪的电光外整个大地都被黑暗笼罩了。

    So have I seen a storm in later spring ; and all was black , save where the lightning tore the cloud with thundering rent .

  12. 随着暮春旋涡消散,臭氧洞弥合过程空气的稀释作用,将影响低纬度地区臭氧时空分布。

    Ozone hole is already having : an effect on populated region of lower latitude as a result of transport of air after the spring bread-up of the Antarctic vortex .

  13. 在百花盛开的暮春三月,老友要去扬州,在黄鹤楼与我话别。

    In late spring ( third month by lunar calendar ) with all flowers in full bloom , I bid my old friend farewell at Yellow Crane Tower for his journey to Yangzhou .

  14. 在夏日的暮色苍茫中,我跟萨金特·卡夫探长并肩向激沙滩走去。暮春的清明节和农历九月初九的重阳节是往扫墓拜祭先人的日子。

    Side by side , in the gray of the summer evening , Sergeant Cuff and I set forth for the Shivering Sand . The Ching Ming Festival in spring and Chung Yeung Festival on the ninth day of the ninth moon are occasions for visiting ancestral graves .