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  • 网络meng jiangnu;lady meng jiang;Meng Jiang Nu
孟姜女 [mèng jiāng nǚ]
  • [Meng Jiangnü] 据民间传说,在秦始皇时,孟姜女的丈夫范喜良被强迫修筑长城。她不远千里去送寒衣,然而却未找到。她在城下痛哭,城墙因而崩裂,露出了丈夫的尸骨。孟姜女痛不欲生,投海而死

  1. 又如著名的《孟姜女》(一名《春调》),也采用十二月体。

    The well-known story of Meng Jiangnu was also told using the12-month framework .

  2. 第二部分以《孟姜女》、《兰花花》两部作品的音乐风格,曲式结构对比分析作品。

    The second part comparative analyzes the works through the musical styles and structure .

  3. 顾颉刚的孟姜女故事研究建立了20世纪传说故事研究的范式。

    Gu Jiegang 's research on Meng Jiangnv story has built the paradigm of the research of stories in the20th century .

  4. 目前,该村正以孟姜女的故事为题,申报省级非物质文化遗产。

    At present , this village is applying for provincial Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage named by " Meng Jiangnv Story " .

  5. 因而从某种程度上看,《碧奴》呈现出苏童在建构与解构孟姜女神话之间徘徊的犹豫姿态。

    So , to some extent , the novel of Bi Nu shows the hesitating attitude that Su Tong took between construction and destruction .

  6. 本文《孟姜女》、《兰花花》两部作品的音乐风格及演唱技巧等方面,分析不同音乐形象的塑造。

    The " Meng Jiangnv , Lan Huahua " two works of musical styles and singing skills analyze the image of the shape of different music .

  7. 或者,游客会从导游那里听到“孟姜女哭长城”的故事。这个故事关于一位为自己新婚的丈夫而死的美丽女子。

    Or the visitor will hear from the guide The Story of Lady Mengjiang , which is about a beautiful girl who died for her newly-wed husband .

  8. 宋元明清时期的孟姜女故事对后世民间广泛流传的孟姜女故事影响重大而深远。

    The stories in Song Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasties have significant and profound influence on the widely spread folk tales of Meng Jiangnv of the later generations .

  9. 但是,对孟姜女的研究大多围绕历史、文化、民俗等领域进行,从音乐形态角度对它进行探索还处于萌芽阶段。

    However , most of studies revolved around history , folk custom and culture . The research on the musical morphology of Meng key is still at its initial stage .

  10. 牛郎织女、孟姜女、白蛇传和梁山泊与祝英台这四部作品,享有“汉族四大民间传说”的美誉。

    Cowboy and Vega , Meng Jiangn ¨ 1 , White Snake Biography and Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai enjoy a good fame as " Four Folklores of Han Nationality " .

  11. 中国人则是通过有关孟姜女的悲情传说了解的,孟姜女为了悼念修筑长城的丈夫而痛哭城下,导致那段长城就此坍塌。

    For the Chinese , it was through the heartbreaking legend of Meng Jiangnu , whose tears of mourning for her husband , a wall builder , caused the fortification to collapse .

  12. 道教法事音乐与湖南和广西渔鼓、《孟姜女》拥有的共同内核,它们是近亲乐族。

    Taoism funeral music has a common core with " Yugu " in Guangxi and Hunan province , and with the ditty song of " Mengjiangnu " . They belong to the same music tribe .

  13. 时至今日众多学者运用不同的研究方法对孟姜女传说进行了诸多层面的探索与解读,可谓成果丰硕,业已出版发表了数十部著作、上百篇论文。

    Today , more and more scholars use different approaches to do many aspects of exploration and interpretation of Meng Jiangnv . The results are fruitful , include dozens of books published and hundred papers which has published .

  14. 孟姜女故事作为我国最为流行的民间传说之一,其源远流长、众说纷纭,而其流传的形式也是因地而异、因时而变。

    As the most popular folklore of our country , the story of Meng Jiangnv has a long history and with diverse views , and the spread formats also vary from place to place , change from time to time .

  15. 引言主要阐释选题缘起、孟姜女故事的国内外研究现状、研究价值及研究创新点。

    The main idea of the Introduction is to explain the origin of this paper , the present situation of international research on the story of Meng Jiangnv , the value of this paper , and the innovation point in this paper .