
  • 网络Mr.Mumble;Mr .Mumble
  1. 本研究通过课堂教学案例片段,描述和分析了孟波镇中学课堂教学中教师的多元文化课程设计能力,多元文化课程设计能力是多元文化教师的一项最重要和基本的能力。

    By some parts of the classroom teaching case , it gives a clear account of their designing competence in the multicultural curriculum .

  2. 通过在云南孟波镇中学的田野调查发现,教师的多元文化意识在提高少数民族学生学业成绩中具有重要作用。

    A field investigation at Yunnan Mengbo Township Middle School showed that teacher 's multi-cultural sense plays an important role in improving academic achievements of ethnic minority students .