
zhì dòu
  • match wits;argue craftily
  1. 那是一场智斗,桑德拉占尽了上风。

    It was a battle of wits , with Sandra holding all the aces .

  2. 电影讲述的是尼科尔森与护士长斗智斗勇的故事。

    The movie is about the battle of wits between McMurphy and the nurse .

  3. 成熟的男人在你在旁边时不会打架,而是镇定的用智斗。

    Mature men in the next you will not be fighting , but calm with Zhizhu .

  4. 要想救出村长,小悟空必须和白将军斗智斗勇一番。

    In order to save the Village Chief , Goku must match strength and wits against General White .

  5. 在这个竞争异常激烈的社会,真人秀选手们为赢得老一代明星的认可而斗智斗勇,牧师都有自己的公关。在这样一个社会,我们不择手段地营销自己难道还奇怪吗?

    In a society of unrelenting competition - where reality-show contestants duke it out for the approval of aging celebrities and pastors have publicists - is it any wonder we market ourselves relentlessly ?

  6. 智斗艺术描写的典范&谈赤壁之战的智斗艺术描写论红岩精神的丰富内涵

    Sample of Artistic Description of Sapiential Warfare & Discussion about the artistic description of sapiential warfare in The War of the Red Cliff About the Profound Conception of the Hong Yan ( Red Cliff ) Spirit