
jīnɡ yínɡ tī tòu
  • 熟语Crystal clear;glittering and translucent;sparkling and crystal-clear
  1. 车料玻璃制品,晶莹剔透,收藏佳品。

    Cut-glass wares with glittering and translucent carving are really good for collection .

  2. 水晶工艺品,晶莹剔透。这些手工艺品多漂亮

    Crystal handicraft is with glittering and translucent carving . These handcrafts are so cute

  3. 他看着陈列柜,里面摆着几套晶莹剔透的玻璃杯。

    He looked at the display cabinet with its gleaming sets of glasses .

  4. 许多人向往水晶般的爱情——晶莹剔透没有一点瑕疵。

    Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love — pure without anydefect .

  5. 装饰画画面清晰、栩栩如生,水晶照取料上乘、晶莹剔透

    Decorative painting a clear picture , lifelike , as Reclaimer fine crystal , crystal clear .

  6. 其尺寸为65x56x40毫米,照片上晶莹剔透的钻石看起来有一个小橙子大小。

    It measures 65mm x 56mm x 40mm and pictures of the clear-looking gem show it to be the size of a small orange .

  7. 此外,最终排放物为硫酸铜(肥料)以及PH值8晶莹剔透清洁水,你可以将通过与少量的硫酸混变化为硫酸铜(肥料)。

    Also , the final discharges are water of PH8 and residues sludge which you can convert to copper sulphate ( fertilizers ) by mixing with a little amount of sulphuric acid .

  8. 北弗罗里达SimsSink漆黑的深水里,一只晶莹剔透的盲眼小龙虾正在游动。

    Photograph by Wes C. Skiles A blind , albino crayfish swims through the inky depths of Sims Sink in northern Florida .

  9. 搭配蒸得晶莹剔透的大比目鱼排

    that accompanied a lightly steamed and wondrously silken halibut fillet .

  10. 真爱如同一颗钻石:灿烂夺目而晶莹剔透。

    True love is like a diamond ,: brillant and transparent .

  11. 大家请看,那上面有一块晶莹剔透的钙石,像什么呢?

    We see that there are a crystallized calcium stone .

  12. 很多人憧憬水晶般的爱情,晶莹剔透不瑕疵。但更多人占有的是玻璃般的爱情。

    However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love .

  13. 整个晶莹剔透的氛围让我仿佛置身于梦境。

    The sparkling atmosphere made me feel like I was in a dream .

  14. 她从没见到过这么晶莹剔透的一粒种子。

    She had never met so fine a grain .

  15. 晶莹剔透的雨点滴滴坠落,美不胜收。

    The crystal raindrops fall and ( that 's ) the beauty of it .

  16. 在他的颈间,枕着一把有着优美的曲线和琥珀般的光华的乐器。阳光洒进室内。琥珀闪耀着,晶莹剔透。

    An instrument with elegant curves and amber hue rested gently under his chin .

  17. 这款苏维翁干白具有清澈亮丽的色泽,晶莹剔透,给人以心旷神怡的感觉。

    It has a vibrant and clean color which gives you a nice feeling .

  18. 叶子上一滴晶莹剔透的露珠旁,守侯着一条小虫。

    Leaf drop crystal clear on the next Louzhu , watching with a bug .

  19. 终于形成晶莹剔透的水潭

    Finally emerging as crystal clear pools .

  20. 只见波塞冬朝墙上一挥,裂缝中就流出了非常美的水,晶莹剔透,让人看了以后感到无限的清凉与舒适。

    When Poseidon distributed clear water , people felt comfortable and at ease with it .

  21. 用软化水清洗的浴缸、具、具晶莹剔透无水渍斑点。

    Cleaning demineralized water in the bathtub , tableware , tea sparkling spots without watermarks .

  22. 很多人神驰透明水晶般的爱情&晶莹剔透没有一点儿瑕疵。

    Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love & pure without any defect .

  23. 我静静地注视着晶莹剔透的月儿,她是那么安详,那么宁静!

    I quietly watch the crystal clear Moon , she is so quiet , so quiet !

  24. 那晶莹剔透的光线是如此炫目,甚至能穿透蒙在我眼睛上的黑面纱。

    So dazzling was the light , it penetrated even the darkness that veils my eyes .

  25. 它的顶部是晶莹剔透的金字塔,那是顶级的柏悦酒店的餐厅。

    It is crowned by a sparkling glass pyramid restaurant atop a sky-level Park Hyatt hotel .

  26. 它不旦可以永久保存,不变形、不变质,晶莹剔透。

    Once available it does not save , no distortion , no deterioration , crystal clear .

  27. 晶莹剔透的水晶静待阴影

    Sparkling crystal lies in shadows

  28. 石壁凝挂根根冰柱,阳光照射下晶莹剔透,甚是可爱。

    Arrhizus icicles hanging the Shek Pik condensate , sparkling under the sunlight , is very cute .

  29. 无数个瞬间,像一颗颗晶莹剔透的钻石在我黑暗的心中闪闪发亮。

    A thousand moments . They 're like a bag of tiny diamonds glittering in a black heart .

  30. 大块的牛腱浸泡在番茄汤中,晶莹剔透,吃起来肉质松软但却弹性十足。

    Big chunks of translucent beef tendons are immersed in the tomato-red soup and emerge soft but resilient .