
  • 网络Landscape Studies;landscape research
  1. 运用地理空间数据辅助NOAA影像解译可以有效地提高精度,使NOAAAVHRR数据在大尺度景观研究的深度和广度大大提高。

    The geographic spatial data in land cover classification of NOAA / AVHRR image contributes a lot to high classification efficiency , and it also has broaden the application of NOAA / AVHRR data in landscape research on a large scale .

  2. 流域边界提取是森林景观研究中的重要步骤。

    Boundary extraction of watershed is an important step in forest landscape research .

  3. 介绍了地理信息系统技术(GIS)、遥感技术(RS)和全球定位系统技术(GPS)在森林景观研究中的应用和整个3S系统的集成模式。

    The application of Geographic Information System ( GIS ), Remote Sensing ( RS ) and Global Position System ( GPS ) in the research of forest landscape is outlined in this paper .

  4. 主题游乐园分区景观研究

    Study on the Landscape of the Dividual Parts in Theme Park

  5. 南京市高校校园植物景观研究

    Research on Colleges and Universities ' Campus Plants Landscape in Nanjing

  6. 寒地城市居住区冬季植物景观研究

    The Study on Resident Community Winter Plant Landscape in Winter Cities

  7. 武陵源黄龙洞发育及其洞穴景观研究

    Researches on the development and cavern landscape of huanglong-dong in Wuling yuan

  8. 黄土丘陵沟壑区数字单元景观研究

    A Study on Digital Landscape Cell in Loess Hilly Region

  9. 温矿泉疗养院园林绿地景观研究

    The Research on Greening Landscape in Hot Mineral Spring Sanatorium

  10. 高速公路景观研究的若干问题

    A Few Questions About the Research of Highway Landscape

  11. 干旱区湿地多功能景观研究的意义与前景分析

    Prospect on Multifunctional Landscapes of Marshes in Arid Areas

  12. 元大都休闲文化景观研究

    The Study on the Recreational Cultural Landscape in Dadu City during Yuan Dynasty

  13. 基于城市廊道空间理论的街路景观研究

    Research on Street Landscape Based on Urban Corridor Space

  14. 山岳型风景名胜区植物景观研究案例与模式

    A Case Study and Mode of Plant Landscape on Famous Mountain Scenic Area

  15. 企业技术管理的适合度景观研究

    Research on Fitness Landscape of Technology Management of Enterprise

  16. 线性公共空间与城市景观研究

    Study on the Linear Public Space and Cityscape

  17. 重庆山城传统景观研究

    Study on Traditional Landscape of Montanic City Chongqing

  18. 为地理信息系统学科应用于土壤景观研究在方法上做出了有益的探索。

    The study was a beneficial research in soil landscape adopting geographic information science .

  19. 环境陶艺与校园景观研究

    Research on Environmental Ceramics and Campus Landscapes

  20. 四方台大桥滨水带景观研究

    Research on Waterside Landscape of Sifangtai Bridge

  21. 最后讨论认为:山岳型风景名胜区景观研究应以植物景观为切入点,将植物景观的营造提到新的高度;

    Some questions are discussed : plant landscape construction is based on plant landscape investigation ;

  22. 纪念性景观研究

    A Preliminary Study on Memorial Landscape

  23. 河南省窑洞村落景观研究&以洛阳、三门峡两地为例

    The Research on the Landscape in the Cave-dwelling Village of Henan Province & Based on the Example of Luoyang City and Sanmenxia City

  24. 主要研究成果是对目前国内外旅游公路景观研究现状进行归纳总结,并尝试性地为旅游公路定义和分类。

    The main achievement is concludes and summarizes the present study situation of domestic and foreign tourism highway landscape , attempt to give a definition and classify for tourism highway .

  25. 苏州山地植被景观研究、保护与管理工作还有待加强和完善,否则与吴文化和苏州古城根基密切相关的苏州城郊山地景观仍有遭受破坏和消失的危险。

    The study , protection and management of mountainous vegetation landscape of Suzhou need enhancing and improving , for these beautiful landscapes around the city which bred Suzhou city and Wu culture are still threatened by human negligent activities .

  26. 基于GIS的遥感图像湿地信息提取及景观变化研究

    Wetland Information Extraction from RS Image Based on GIS and Landscape Change Analysis

  27. 基于遥感和GIS的景观分类研究&以安徽省为例

    Research on Landscape Ecology Classification With Support of GIS and Remote Sensing in Anhui

  28. 基于RS和GIS的川中丘陵区景观格局研究&以云合镇为例

    Landscape Pattern in the Hilly Region of the Central Sichuan Basin Based on RS and GIS methods & A Case Study in Yunhe

  29. 一直以来,以GIS,RS及GPS为主体的3S技术都是景观生态学研究的重要支撑。

    For a long time ," 3S " technique , mostly based on GIS 、 RS and GPS , is one of the most important support for landscape ecology study .

  30. 以TM影像和野外调查为数据源,以3S技术为研究手段,从研究区域不同的取样尺度入手,分析了尺度变化对区域景观格局研究的影响。

    Using Landsat TM images , field survey data and 3S techniques , the effects of different scales on regional landscape pattern were analyzed in the study area .