
  • 网络landscape gardening;landscape garden
  1. 海山环境艺术公司是专门从事景观园林设计、施工的专业公司。

    Haisan Environmental Arts Company is a professional company specialized in interiors decorations and landscape gardening design and construction .

  2. 现代科学的发展使国内外的环境心理学和医学渗透到景观园林,其范围与功能已大大扩展,除了传统的游赏、娱乐等功能外,园林更担负着维护公众健康的作用。

    The development of modern science has made environmental psychology and medicine permeate into the landscape garden in large-scale , In addition to traditional travel , Amusement and other functions the landscape garden also assumes the role of safeguarding public health .

  3. 景观园林规划设计领域的首席人物杰弗里·吉利柯

    Geoffrey Jellicoe , the Great Master of Landscape Planning and Design

  4. 实景感悟现代景观园林规划、设计与实践

    Real Comprehension of Modern Landscape Planning , Design and Practice

  5. 城市经济因素对景观园林环境建设的导控作用

    On the Orientation and Control Role of Urban Economical Factors to the Construction of Urban Landscape Environment

  6. 它把某一时期或某一民族或某一区域的历史文化,依照一定的方式加以提炼、整合,并予以反映的主题景观园林形式。

    After processing and integration , historical culture of a certain period or a specific nation or region reflects in theme landscape .

  7. 因而与城市之间保持着一种经常性的动态和谐关系,这种和谐关系理论上可以通过景观园林设计的方法获取。

    So there is a harmonious relation between the city and the park . This harmonious relation could be obtained through approach of landscape design .

  8. 它们是进行景观园林规划的基础,是衡水湖最宝贵的观赏财富。悠久的历史,灿烂的文化是神州大地特有的风采。

    They are based on landscape planning , is the most precious ornamental hengshui lake " fortune " . A long history , splendid culture is throughout the peculiar style .

  9. 几千年来,墙被不断注入丰富的内涵,取得了极高的艺术成就,在景观园林空间特色的形成中占据着不可替代的地位,是景观园林中简练而有神的一笔。

    For thousands of years , walls have been constantly infused with rich connotation , and achieved high artistic achievement , which play an irreplaceable role in the formation of garden space characteristic .

  10. 浅谈城市景观中园林建筑设计

    Brief Talk on Design of Park Buildings in Urban Landscape

  11. 软质景观&园林植物的作用

    Function analysis of soft landscape and its application

  12. 色彩植物景观与园林应用

    The color landscapes and applications of plants

  13. 轴线不仅对园林景观和园林空间有强劲的控制作用,对人们视觉和心理也有着重要的影响。

    Not only landscape and space , the axis control but also effect peoples ' vision and mind .

  14. 台风已成为影响我省园林景观和园林式、花园式城市建设的一个重要阻碍。

    Typhoon has been one of the important obstacles influencing the construction of the urban landscape architecture in Zhejiang province .

  15. 昆明阳光苗圃是一家从事城市景观、园林绿化设计施工的专业苗圃公司。

    Kunming Sunshine Nursery is a company engaged in the urban landscape , landscape design and construction of professional nursery .

  16. 寺庙园林植物景观在园林空间的组织、植物配置上,具有独特的审美品质和深厚的宗教文化及传统园林艺术内涵。

    Temple plant landscape has unique aesthetic qualities and deep religious culture and traditional Chinese garden art connotation in terms of space organization and plant arrangement .

  17. 文化石系列产品广泛应用于各类建筑、景观、园林,不同系列产品表达了建筑本身多元化的风格需求。

    Series of art stones are widely used in all kinds of buildings , landscapes and gardens , different series of products express diversified requirements on styles of buildings themselves .

  18. 园林夜景观是园林景观设计的一个重要组成部分,是技术与艺术的结合,夜景观的质量直接影响到园林景观的使用功能和艺术水平。

    Night-view is an important part of landscape architecture , which it combined with technology and art , and the quality of landscape night-view affect the function and artistic directly .

  19. 在城化迅猛发展、人口暴涨和各种环境问题日益严重的今天,在全球范围内的城市景观和园林的建设已不仅仅是经济水平提高之后的奢侈。

    In the city of rapid development , population boom and the growing environmental problems of today , the global urban landscape and garden construction has not only a higher standard of luxury economy .

  20. 中外历史上著名的景观/园林作品,都包含丰富的叙事性和文化内涵,而现代景观则因为处于现当代社会本身复杂多元的背景下具有更强的叙事潜力。

    Many of the famous landscape works or gardens in the history have abundant stories and cultural value , thus modern landscape should have more strong potential of narrating because of its multiple social and cultural backgrounds .

  21. 西方当代景观给予中国园林形式的影响当代花鸟画与中国古典园林建筑关系研究

    Study the Relationship between Contemporary Flower-and-bird Painting and Classical Chinese Garden Architecture

  22. 广州的园林景观是岭南园林的最佳代表。

    The landscape of Guangzhou is the best representative of the southern garden .

  23. 和谐的照明中国建筑学会物理分会理事皇甫炳炎谈景观照明设计园林照明研究

    HARMONY ILLUMINATION On the Design of Garden Illumination

  24. 植物景观在城市园林建设中的重要性日益增强。

    The plant landscape plays more and more important role in the urban landscape .

  25. 英国谢菲尔德大学景观系风景园林硕士设计课程简述

    The Department of Landscape at Sheffield University

  26. 园林工程师或国家二级景观设计师,园林绿化专业的高级工程师优先。

    Landscape engineer or national landscape designer , landscape professionals , Senior Engineer of priority .

  27. 植物景观在住宅园林景观中的运用&以南昌住宅园林为例

    Application of Plants Sight in Residential Landscape - Taking Residential Gardens of Nanchang as an Example

  28. 创建优美的滨水人居环境景观,追求园林植物群体美景观。

    It aims to establish splendid habitat environment and build the group beauty of landscape plants .

  29. 近自然植物群落景观理念在园林绿化中的应用探讨

    The Inquiry of " Approaching nature " Plant Community Landscape Theory Applied in Greening in Chengdu City

  30. 本文首先明确乡土景观与城市园林的概念。

    First of all , this thesis determines the concept of the vernacular landscape and the urban landscape .