
  • 网络Business cycle;Economic cycle
  1. 景气循环二分为景气繁荣与景气衰退时期;公司特性则分为新经济公司与旧经济公司。

    The economic cycle is dichotomized as expansion and recession periods while the companies are categorized as new economy firms and old economy firms .

  2. 商业银行的这种顺周期的经营模式在一定程度上加快了景气循环,促进了经济周期的形成,甚至加剧经济周期波动,使经济从繁荣转为过热甚至是陷入衰退。

    Commercial Banks of the management mode of the cycle in a certain extent to accelerate the economic cycle and promoted economic cycle formation , even aggravate business cycle . at , make economic from prosperity to overheat or into recession .

  3. 中国房地产景气循环与银行信贷风险研究

    A Study of China Real Estate Cycles and Bank Credit Risk

  4. 第四部分,景气循环与危机的传递,在危机发生的原因上,景气循环与危机的传递都可以成为经济社会的内生现象;

    4th section discuss the business cycle and crisis transmission ;

  5. 成都市房地产市场景气循环实证研究

    A Research on the Real Estate Business Cycle of Chengdu

  6. 这样的繁荣-萧条景气循环,不能作为将储蓄高效率输送到最具前途的投资项目的例证。

    This boom and bust cycle cannot have been an example of efficient channelling of savings into the most promising investment projects .

  7. 第二部分介绍了先行指标方法的理论依据&现代经济周期理论和景气循环方法,为下文的实证分析做了理论准备。

    In chapter two , we introduced the theoretic foundation of leading indicator method , modern theory of business cycle and business cycle analysis .

  8. 航运公司最适论程佣船方案组合方面,在景气循环周期为「景气繁荣」与「景气复苏」时,以短期论程佣船契约为营运主体;

    In respect with portfolios of voyage chartering alternatives , short-term voyage charter alternative is main operating method in the peak and expansion period ;

  9. 经济的景气循环虽然不可避免,但如果政府能有效地干预和调节,可拉长经济周期,减少发生的频率,缩小每个经济周期的波幅。

    Although business cycle in booming is inevitable , however , the period , frequency and wave-length of economic cycling may be lengthened under governments effective regulation and intervention .

  10. 景气循环法的特点在于识别房地产周期波动的特征点,并由此判断房地产市场的景气状态;

    The characteristic of the booming cycle early warning method is that it can easily recognize the feature of real estate cycling and analyze the booming status of the real estate market .

  11. 针对目前杭州所处的景气循环阶段与导致市场过热的警源,作者提出在降温的总体原则下,政府可采取资金上开源节流,规范商品房开发;

    For the real estate cycle phase of HangZhou and the reasons lead to overheating , author suggests that upon the principle of discouragement , government should tap new sources of financing and husband existing resources , standardize real estate exploitation .