
  • 网络general chemistry;Common Chemistry
  1. 改革普通化学教学积极推行素质教育

    Teaching Reform of General Chemistry for Active Implementation of Quality Education

  2. 试谈工科普通化学中的化学热力学教学

    On Chemical Thermodynamics Teaching in general chemistry in Industrial University

  3. 研究普通化学镀Ni-P合金镀液中加入一种发色剂而获得彩色化学镀镍层,讨论各种工艺参数对镀层外观及性能的影响。

    Color electroless Ni-P film can be produced by adding chromophoric agent into conventional electroless Ni-P solution . Effects of every technological parameters on deposit appearance and performance are discussed .

  4. 根据这个机理,作者进一步对有关电极反应的电极电位进行了计算和分析,预测并经实验验证了多种可以溶解HgS的普通化学试剂。

    After calculating the standard elec - trode potentials of some electrode reactions concerned , many common chemical reagents capable of dissolving mercuric sulfide were predicted and experimentally verified .

  5. 这与普通化学镀镍磷明显不同。

    This is obviously different from the common electroless nickel plating .

  6. 环境化学与普通化学相结合教学的探讨

    An Exploration on Combination of Environmental Chemistry and General Chemistry in Teaching

  7. 科学教育专业普通化学实验设计

    " General Chemistry Experiment " Design in the Science Education of Specialty

  8. 讨论了传统普通化学实验课程中的不足。

    This paper discussed the insufficiency of the coventional chemistry experiment course .

  9. 普通化学实验是化学教育的重要组成部分。

    General Chemistry Experment is an important part of the chemical education .

  10. 《普通化学》教学存在的问题及应对策略

    The Existing Problem and Countermeasure for Common Chemistry Teaching

  11. 在普通化学教学中开展撰写课程小论文的教学尝试

    The Attempt of Writing Small Course Theses in the Teaching of General Chemistry

  12. 工科大学普通化学原子结构理论教学中的一些探索

    Discussion on Teaching Theory of Atomic Structure in General Chemistry in Industrial University

  13. 普通化学纤维及棉高支纱梳理工艺原则确定

    Define the Carding Technological Principle of Common Chemistry Fibre and High Count Yarn

  14. 普通化学教育功能的全方位释放

    The Comprehensive Exertion of Educational Function of General Chemistry

  15. 民族院校普通化学综合设计实验的策划与思考

    Comprehensive Design Experiments of General Chemistry in Nationalities Universities

  16. 高职油储类专业普通化学课程内容的优化

    The Optimization of General Chemistry for Oil Storage and Transportation in Vocational Colleges

  17. 普通化学课程改革初探

    Preliminary Inquiry into the Teaching Reform of Ordinary Chemistry

  18. 大学普通化学教材的比较研究

    Comparison on General Chemistry Textbooks for College Students

  19. 构建农林院校普通化学创新教育的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration of Innovative Education of Inorganic Chemistry in Agricultural and Forestry Universities

  20. 实现五个结合改善工科普通化学课程教学效果

    Improvement of the Teaching Effect in General Chemistry Lessons through the Realization of Five Combinations

  21. 青海大学1998&1999学年普通化学统考试卷评价分析

    Comments and Analysis on the Examination Paper in General Chemistry of Qinghai University in 1998-1999

  22. 谈学习普通化学的方法

    On the Method of Studying General Chemistry

  23. 我已经复习了普通化学,有机化学和食品化学。

    Already I have reviewed General Chemistry , Organic Chemistry , and Quantitative Chemistry Analysis .

  24. 通过实践,在普通化学课堂教学中,取得了较好的效果。

    Through the practice , the effect of teaching in general chemistry has greatly been improved .

  25. 本文指出了普通化学中阐述平衡常数存在的两个问题,论证其把经验平衡常数与标准平衡常数混为一谈而导致的概念混乱;

    This article points out two problems in the expounding of equilibrium constants in general chemistry .

  26. 普通化学反应中的质量变化如此小,以至于无法直接观察到。

    Mass changes in ordinary chemical reactions are so small as not to be directly observable .

  27. 普通化学多媒体教学初探

    On Multimedia Teaching of General Chemistry

  28. 普通化学教学中的几个问题

    Problems on General Chemistry Teaching

  29. 将一些普通化学物质与其混合大约两小时后待其冷却。

    It is mixed for about two hours with some common chemicals and then allowed to cool .

  30. 这就是说,我们可以计,算普通化学反应的平衡常数,从第一原理。

    So what it means is , we can calculate equilibrium constants for ordinary chemical reactions just from first principles .