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  1. 我们的竞选不是孵化自华盛顿的会议大厅,而是始于得梅因(美国衣阿华Iowa州的首府)的后院、康科德市普通人家的客厅、以及查尔斯顿的某个前廊。

    Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington - it began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston .

  2. 1955年出生的乔布斯是一个普通人家的养子

    Born in 1955 , Jobs was adopted by a modest family

  3. 和这个孩子!他是一个普通人家的孩子。

    With this boy ! But he 's a common working boy !

  4. 你不能通过说谎来改变普通人家的身份,

    You can 't stop being common by telling lies .

  5. 普通人家都衣着朴素、生活简单。

    Ordinary Swiss dress and live simply .

  6. 可人,都是号称善良的普通人家的人,怎么就那么丑恶呢?

    For poeple , those who are called nice ordinary poeple , why should they be so mean and ugly ?

  7. 我这么说让罗丝生气了。又有钱又有名的人家通常比那些普通人家更不规矩!

    This made Rose angry . 'Rich and famous families usually behave worse than less important families , 'she said .

  8. 我这么说让罗丝生气了。“又有钱又有名的人家通常比那些普通人家更不规矩!”

    This made Rose angry . 'Rich and famous families usually behave worse than less important families , 'she said .

  9. 即使是普通人家的青菜萝卜,小鱼小肉也弄得色香味俱全,把滋润肠胃当作一种生活品味。

    Even with ordinary ingredients like turnips and garden greens they will carefully prepare dishes that demonstrate a culinary enthusiasm for life .

  10. 在郝薇香小姐家那个漂亮的年轻小姐说我是普通人家。我知道我是!莫名其妙地让我说谎。

    That beautiful young lady at Miss Havisham 's said I was common.And I know I am ! Somehow that made me tell lies .

  11. 农家的生活消费与生计来源代表了全社会普通人家收支的主流。本文拟对清代农家生计收入的研究进行归纳和介绍,以期有助于人们进一步认识清代生活与生产水平的一般状况。

    This paper analyses the farmhouse livelihood income of Qing Dynasty , in order to get a general picture of life and production levels in Qing Dynasty .

  12. 目前在美国有关婚姻的讨论已经不再停留在普通人家的饭桌上,而是更热烈地在媒体界和华盛顿的听证会的会议桌上进行着。

    " This is much more controversial in media circles and at the hearing tables in Washington than it is around the kitchen tables in ordinary American homes ," Horn says .

  13. 这是一栋朴实无华的房子,尽管花园里有一座高塔,还有额外的房子给两名管家住,不过除此之外就像普通人家的房子一样,一点儿都不浮夸。

    It 's an unassuming house , albeit one with a tower in the garden and extra houses for two housekeepers . Otherwise , it 's full of the normal jumble of a family home . Nothing fancy .

  14. 我曾多次访问美国,也去过普通美国人家中做客,美国民众的真诚好客让我深受感动。

    I have been to the United States many times and I have visited American families , and I have always been touched by the sincere hospitality of the American people .