
  • 网络universal suffrage;general election
  1. 如果他想赢得第二个任期,就必须改变这种局面,因为下一届特首选举很可能会采用普选制。

    But if he is to win a second term he will have to rectify that since the next election could well be conducted by universal suffrage .

  2. 在普选制的温度计标示出工人的沸点的那一天,他们以及资本家同样都知道该怎么办了。

    On the day when the thermometer of universal suffrage shows boiling-point among the workers , they as well as the capitalists will know where they stand .

  3. 法兰西第二共和国普选制的社会政治作用

    Effecfs of the Universal Suffrage in the Second Republic of France

  4. 在现今的国家里,普选制不能而且永远不会提供更多的东西;

    It cannot and never will be anything more in the modern state ;

  5. 因此,普选制是测量工人阶级成熟性的标尺。

    Universal suffrage is thus the gauge of the maturity of the working class .

  6. 尽管香港立法会和特首还不是由常见的普选制产生(预计普选制将于2017年开始实行),但拥有高效公正的司法(以对政府形成制衡)也被视为香港自由的关键守护者。

    While Hong Kong awaits a legislature and a chief executive elected on the conventional basis of universal suffrage measures expected to be introduced in 2017 having an efficient , impartial judiciary that acts as a check on the government is seen as a crucial protector of its freedoms .