
  • 网络PRATO;Plateau
  1. 普拉托市检察官皮耶罗托尼(pierotony)估计,该市大约有4.5万名中国人,当中只有1万人属于合法居留。

    Piero Tony , Prato state prosecutor , estimates there are some 45000 Chinese in the city , of whom only 10000 are there legally .

  2. 普拉托是意大利托斯卡纳地区(Tuscany)的一个时尚产品制造中心,那里已经成为吸引温州移民的聚集地。

    Prato , a manufacturing hub for fashion in Italy 's Tuscany region , became a magnet for migrants from Wenzhou province .

  3. 普拉托市城墙外的ViaPistoiese,现在已变成一座温州中国城,遍地是餐馆、夜总会(非中国人禁止入内)和堆满中国商品的超市。

    Outside Prato 's city walls , Via Pistoiese has become a Wenzhou Chinatown with restaurants , nightclubs ( which bar non-Chinese ) and supermarkets stocked with Chinese goods .

  4. 他们在一个名叫普拉托(Prato)的意大利城市工作,那是与佛罗伦萨相邻的一个20万人口的城市,以纺织业闻名,拥有欧洲最多的华人人口。

    They work in Prato , a city of 200,000 people just outside Florence in Italy that has the largest Chinese population in Europe .

  5. 来自意大利中部城市普拉托的现年62岁的科奇(SilvanaCocci)被折扣店里的一欧元产品所吸引。

    Silvana Cocci , a 62-year-old grandmother from the central Italian town of Prato , is drawn by the one-euro products at discount shops .

  6. 佛罗伦萨附近的普拉托市(Prato)已成为欧洲的一个服装生产中心,在中世纪的城墙外面,就坐落着唐人街。

    In Prato , a city near Florence that has become a European hub for mass garment production , the Chinese quarter lies outside the medieval walls .

  7. 普拉托新任市长罗贝尔托切尼(RobertoCenni)也是一位纺织服装企业家,他对低收入中国劳工所忍受的奴隶般的生活环境进行了公开谴责。

    Roberto Cenni , the new mayor who is also a textile and clothing entrepreneur , denounces the slave-like conditions endured by low-paid Chinese workers .

  8. 突袭似乎集中在托斯卡纳,华人犯罪团伙在那里已在庞大的移民社区里生根,许多移民在普拉托(prato)市的非法服装厂工作,这些工厂估计每天能生产100万件产品。

    The raids appeared to have focused on Tuscany , where Chinese criminal gangs have taken root among large immigrant communities , many working in illegal clothing factories in the city of Prato that are estimated to be capable of producing a million items a day .

  9. 哈佛大学纺织服装研究中心(HCTAR)分析意大利普拉托地区纺织服装产业发展的经验与教训,并由此提出了美国纺织服装业的发展战略。

    Harvard university center of textile and apparel research ( HCTAR ) analyzes the experiences and lessons of Italian textile and apparel industry development at Prato and puts forward developmental strategies of American textile and apparel .

  10. 沿着街道往下走是普拉托咖啡馆,然后是威尼斯茶餐厅。

    Down the street is the Prato Caf é . Then the Venice restaurant .

  11. 林爱珠在普拉托工作了20年。

    Linda worked for 20 years in Prato .

  12. 他说,扎根于意大利传统的普拉托,是一个完美的训练场。

    Prato , rooted in Italian tradition , is a perfect training ground , he says .

  13. 普拉托估计有3500家中国工厂,在满负荷的情况下,每天能生产100万件。

    At full output the estimated 3,500 Chinese factories in Prato can produce 1m items a day .

  14. 在中国,此次打击行动基本没有报道,官方媒体接到指令不得前往普拉托。

    In China the crackdown has gone largely unreported with state media instructed not to go to Prato .

  15. 但在普拉托,这一过程只需两周,还能贴上“意大利制造”的标签。

    In Prato , it takes two weeks and comes with the " made in Italy " label .

  16. 他在普拉托待了三个月,现在到佛罗伦萨来看看能捞到点什么。

    He has been at Prato for three months , and now he 's come to Florence to see what he can net .

  17. 他指出,在普拉托的犯罪组织大多建立在家乡关系网的基础上,他们主要迫害自己人。

    The organisations in Prato , he says , are mostly based on home town networks and they mainly victimise their own people .

  18. 他指出,每年从普拉托流往中国的资金大约有5亿欧元,他怀疑相关的中国企业是洗钱组织。

    Noting money transfers from Prato to China of some € 500m a year , he suspects that Chinese businesses there are money-laundering operations .

  19. 史蒂芬。普拉托希望他在蓝军试训期间表现得足够好以致能在蓝军赢得一份相当不错的一年期合同。

    Goalkeeper Stephane Porato is hoping he did enough during his trial period with Chelsea to win a lucrative one-year contract with the Premiership champions .

  20. 如今,普拉托依然挤满了仍在苦苦寻觅首份工作的中国移民,以及受过良好教育、正在意大利读大学的中国人。

    Today , it bustles with Chinese migrants still looking for that difficult first job – as well as educated Chinese now attending Italian universities .

  21. 于是,他在普拉托议会找了一份外联员的工作,负责访问各大工厂,帮助工厂主和工人融入当地社会。

    So he has taken a job with the Prato council as an outreach officer , visiting factories to help owners and their workers assimilate .

  22. 普拉托的大部分中国人,都来自上海以南的浙江省沿海城市温州。

    The large majority of Chinese in Prato come from just one city – coastal Wenzhou in the province of Zhejiang , south of Shanghai .

  23. 现年41岁的林爱珠(音译)是一位穿着时髦的漂亮女士,也是普拉托咖啡馆的老板。她用流利的意大利语自我介绍说她叫“琳达”。

    Lin Aizhu , 41 , is the pretty and stylishly-dressed owner of Prato Caf é and introduces herself in fluent Italian as " Linda . "

  24. 普拉托为自己拥有数百年历史的纺织业感到骄傲,但随着该行业日渐衰落,普拉托认为自己成了边境开放和全球化失控的受害者。

    Proud of its centuries-old history in textiles but with its industry in decline , Prato sees itself as a victim of open borders and globalisation gone wild .

  25. 穆里尼奥已经将注意力转向普拉托,而作为前任阿雅克肖的门神普拉托也正焦急的等待着他在蓝军试训的成绩。

    Mourinho has cast his eye over Porato and now the former Ajaccio shot-stopper is anxiously awaiting news whether he showcased his skills well enough with the West Londoners .

  26. 在第一门将切赫伤后葡萄牙战术大师极力想加固他的门将位置得深度,于是33岁得普拉托最近几天跟着随穆帅的指挥在训练。

    The33-year-old recently spent a few days training with Jose Mourinho 's charges as the Portuguese tactician looks to bolster his keeping options following an injury to first-choice Petr Cech .

  27. 普拉托在切尔西试训期间感觉很好,就像在法国一样惬意。不论是克劳德。马克莱莱还是还是俱乐部医生,在他试训期间都帮助他放松以及找住宿得地方。

    Porato enjoyed his time with Chelsea and felt having a French presence in the camp , whether it be Claude Makelele or the club 's doctors , helped him relax and settle during his time in England .

  28. 不过后来我们听说意大利在大赦非法移民,于是我们最终在那里拿到了居留证,并开始自己做生意,在普拉托制作头巾、项链和手表。

    But we heard about an amnesty for illegal migrants in Italy and we eventually managed to get residence papers and start our own business making scarves , necklaces and watches in Prato . Life was much better after that .

  29. 她和丈夫在刚到欧洲的时候很穷,但到去年回国的时候,他们已经攒下了足够的钱,可以在普拉托大教堂附近买下一套公寓,并在丽岙开一家咖啡馆。

    Linda and her husband were poor when they arrived in Europe . By the time they returned to China last year , they had saved enough to buy an apartment close to the Duomo in Prato and to set up a caf é in Li ' ao .