
shài ɡǔ chǎnɡ
  • grain-sunning ground
  1. 顿时,晒谷场上成了爱的热爱、欢乐的海洋。

    The paddy field becomes the sea of love and joy .

  2. 祖堂前面的晒谷场,现在是让客人停车以及我们游戏的广场。

    The once grain-basking field in front of the ancestral room is now used as parking space for guests and our playing field .

  3. 在张某的晒谷场后面耸立着一栋崭新的医院大楼,修建这栋参天大楼的资金部分来自外部。

    Behind the spot where Mr. Zhang dries his wheat , a gleaming new hospital dominates the skyline , built in part with outside capital .