- nebula

[nebula] 在我们的银河系或其他星系的星际空间中由非常稀薄的气体或尘埃构成的许多巨大天体之一
A powerful telescope can resolve a nebula into stars .
And this object , this pulsar in the Crab Nebula is radiating copious amounts of x-rays , of gamma rays .
The collapse of the protostellar is extremely non-homologous .
The curved , light blue ridge running down the center of the image shows X-ray data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory .
In the past decade , the Chandra X-ray Observatory , often in conjunction with other astronomical telescopes on the " Crab Nebula " in joint observation .
A Hard X-Ray Telescope HAPI-1 and Its Observation for Crab Pulsar
A discussion on some Antarctic quasi C1 chondrites origin and range of nebular hydrous effect
The Formation Mechanism of η Carina e 's Homunculus Nebula
This penetrating view of the central region of the Eagle Nebula from Nasa 's Chandra X-ray observatory reveals the incredible amount of star formation inside the iconic'Pillars of Creation ' .
Pulsed Emission of Very High Energy Gamma-Rays From Crab Pulsar
Clouds Imaging Technology for FY-2C Meteorological Satellite Meteorological Satellite Cloud Picture Sharing System
From AGB Star to Planetary Nebula
According to our observation the variable star V 879 Sco is a long period variable star .
A Hubble Space Telescope image shows " proplyds ," or protoplanetary disks , in the Orion Nebula .
Researchers from the U.S. , Germany and the Netherlands pointed the European Space Agency 's orbiting Herschel Space Observatory at TW Hydrae to investigate the star 's disk .
This would make the object in SN 1979C the youngest and brightest example of such a " pulsar wind nebula " and the youngest known neutron star .
We also find that the anisotropy in the pulsar wind , which has been suggested in the research of Crab Nebula , plays a significant role in producing the two-peak profiles in both X-ray and TeV light curves .
Commonly ,η Carinae is considered as a particular member of massive stars called Luminous Blue Variables . The formation mechanism of its peculiar bipolar nebula is a most active research realm currently .
Ca - , Al-rich inclusions ( CAIs ) are the earliest assemblages of the solar nebula , and they contain information of early solar nebula . They are the probe of studying the origin and evolvement of early solar nebula , and are mainly found in carbonaceous chondrites .
SN1987A is sited in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud , a dwarf galaxy adjacent to our own Milky Way Galaxy .
Through the comparative studies on Q-C1 meteorite , C1 meteorite , and other carbonaceous chondrite , the Q-C1 meteorite 's origin is inferred that they were results if gas-liquid-solid condensation , gas-solid condensation and hydrous effect in border sheet of nebular disk .
Dr. Sobral and his colleagues were using the Very Large Telescope of the Southern Observatory in Chile and the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii , among other big telescopes , to build on an earlier search for glowing clouds of hydrogen that might represent very early galaxies .
They 're two planetary nebulae ( so named because initially , these objects were first described as planet-like in the 18th century ) called NGC 6303 , or the Butterfly Nebula , and NGC 7027 .
Pictured above is the west end of the Veil Nebula known technically as NGC6960 but less formally as the Witch 's Broom Nebula .
This would make the object in SN1979C the youngest and brightest example of such a " pulsar wind nebula " and the youngest known neutron star .
Explanation : The bright clusters and nebulae of planet Earth 's night sky are often named for flowers or insects , and NGC6302 is no exception .
A classic planetary nebula , the Cat 's Eye ( NGC6543 ) represents a final , brief yet glorious phase in the life of a sun-like star .
All sub-systems of the telescope are described . The Crab pulsar was observed by HAPI-1 in a balloon flight on May 23 1984 in the energy range 20 to 200 keV and the observation result is presented .
A nebula is really a discrete mass of innumerous stars .
Monte - carlo analysis for the formation of bipolar planetary nebulae