
  1. 从《翻译适应选择论》看林纾与魏易对UncleTom'sCabin的翻译

    A Probe into Lin Shu and Wei Yi 's Translating Uncle Tom 's Cabin in the Approach of Translation as Adaptation and Selection

  2. 结论VDT操作较书本阅读更易对人视觉功能产生影响,VDT操作可对泪膜性状和视觉质量产生暂时的影响。

    Conclusions Short-term VDT work does have a significantly greater temporarily effect on visual function , tear film quality and visual quality .

  3. 但是由于PZT存在抗疲劳特性差,铅易对环境造成污染等缺陷,寻找性能更好,更加环保的铁电存储器材料来替代PZT薄膜的研究工作一直都在进行。

    However the drawbacks of PZT such as bad fatigue properties and the pollution to environment because of the exist of lead driving researchers to find new materials which have better prosperities to replace PZT .

  4. 哥伦比亚大学梅尔曼公共卫生学院(ColumbiaUniversity'sMailmanSchoolofPublicHealth)副教授马修・S.帕札洛斯基(MatthewS.Perzanowski)说,那些和猫咪一起长大的孩子似乎“更不易对动物产生过敏”。动物跟其他过敏源一样,可能会引发哮喘。

    Kids who grow up living with a cat appear ' less likely to develop allergy ' to the animals , which , like other allergies , can be a trigger for asthma , said Matthew S. Perzanowski , an associate professor at Columbia University 's Mailman School of Public Health .

  5. 阿特拉津(Atrazine)是一种广泛使用的除草剂,易对某些后茬敏感的作物如小麦、大豆、水稻等产生药害,是一种典型的有机污染物。

    Due easily to enter into environment and a long residual period , atrazine is a widely used herbicide , which easily causes phytotoxicity for some sensitive succession crops , such as wheat , soybean , rice and so that is a typical organic pollutant .

  6. 现有电场和电网关断装置关断时间较长(约100ms),易对发电机造成毁坏,导致重大损失。

    The turn off time of the turn off installation of electric field and electrified wire netting is so long ( about 100 ms ) that it is easy to destroy generator and cause magnitude loss .

  7. 男性眼球的结构使其更易对位移和方向变化作出反应。

    The composition of the male eye makes it attuned to motion and direction .

  8. 在群体心理的作用下,哄客更易对某单个事件展开大规模、群体性的表达。

    Due to collective mentality , coax-off are inclined to unfold large-scale and collective expression about single event .

  9. 根据其与时间标志层的关系极易对这两类圈闭进行地下的鉴定与分析。

    Both types of traps are identified and analyzed best in the subsurface by relating them to time marker .

  10. 对于这些风格迥异的妇女形象,如果用通常的阶级分析法很难对其中的女性体验进行开启,也不易对其中的男权意识加以批判。

    Traditional class analysis fails to explain the female experiences nor to criticize the male power sense in these works .

  11. 天然胶塞由于组分复杂、构疏松,易对药物稳定性产生不良影响。

    Natural elastomeric closures had a bad impact on drug stability because of the complicated components and the loose structure .

  12. 我认为缺少易对球队的伤害超出任何人的想象。

    I do believe that the loss of Yi has hurt more than anyone realized would be the case , though .

  13. 高校心理咨询工作多由教师承担,由于身兼教师和心理咨询师的双重身份,易对心理咨询工作造成干扰。

    The special double identities of college teachers-both as teachers and as consultants , are inclined to interfere with the psychological consultation .

  14. 针对X光图像不够清晰、不易对股骨进行直接分割的特点,采用数据拟合的方法,结合股骨特征模型直接从图像数据中拟合出股骨的特征参数。

    Data fitting , combining with feature models of femur , is applied to acquire the feature parameters of cloudy X-Ray images .

  15. 相比较而言,前三个能解决一部分贫困问题,但易对生态环境造成破坏。

    Comparatively speaking , the first three can solve a part of problems of poverty , but easy to damage the ecological environment .

  16. 结果表明,现有的数据不足以证明对外易对我国的环境是有害的。

    The results suggest that there is no sufficient reason to believe that China 's foreign trade environment is harmful to its environment .

  17. 辽阳石化分公司现有的装置排放的污染物种类多、浓度高,易对环境造成污染,因而推行清洁生产策略将为企业带来较好的效益。

    The units of Liaoyang Petrochemical Company drained various types of polluters with high concentrations , which is easy to result in environmental pollution .

  18. 由于外界环境的变化具有动态性,在建模阶段不易对其描述。

    It is hard to describe the environment model for its dynamic , thus , environment can 't be controlled during the modeling period .

  19. 试算分析表明,全局变化系数比局部变化系数表现得更加敏感,更易对错判数目造成影响。

    According to analytical results , the coefficient of entire change is more important to the number of commission error than the coefficient of part change .

  20. 对于认知和控制能力不完整的青少年来说,死刑易对他们产生一种威慑力,产生他们的敬畏之心。

    For perception and control ability of incomplete teenagers , the death penalty is easy to produce a deterrent to them , their sense of awe .

  21. 由于其严重的危害性和长期潜伏性,危险废弃物填埋场的落后管理,易对周围地下水环境造成污染。

    Because of the serious harmfulness and long-term latent dangers , the weak management of the dangerous wastes disposal site , Groundwater environment may be easily polluted .

  22. 针对保护地蔬菜生产中农药和化肥使用量较大、易对其产品造成污染产生公害的现状,总结出综合栽培措施;

    A larger amount of pesticides and fertilizers are generally used in vegetable growing in greenhouses , which normally cause the products to be polluted and harmful .

  23. 然而,大多数现有的絮凝剂或价格昂贵、或有微致毒性、或产生的残余污泥和残渣量大且难以处置,易对环境造成二次污染。

    However , most of them are expensive . micro-toxic and the residual sludge is hard to dispose , which is an important source of second pollution .

  24. 在它们在蜕骨时,最好与之保持距离,由于其本身处于脆弱状态所以极易对你发动攻击。

    When they are shedding their skeleton , it is a good idea to keep right away from them as they will attack due to their vulnerable state .

  25. 研究表明,它不仅具有良好的脱脂去垢作用、缓蚀作用,而且具有较好的生物降解性,不易对环境造成污染。

    The research showed that the GUH-1 not only has excellent derosination , detergency and corrosion delaying , but also has better biodegradability which has little pollution to the environment .

  26. 搜查是刑事诉讼法规定的侦查行为之一,搜查行为在有效地惩罚犯罪的同时,极易对犯罪嫌疑人或者案外人的人身、财产及隐私权造成侵犯。

    The act of search can efficiently control crime , yet it is easy to violate the rights to person , property and privacy of both a suspect and other related people .

  27. 根据《华盛顿邮报》中发表的一篇文章,科学家们设法找出了易对香烟上瘾之人的基因在构成上与常人有什么不同。

    According to an article printed in the Washington post , scientists have managed to pinpoint variations in the genetic make-up of people which make them more prone to getting addicted to cigarettes .

  28. 青少年的身心特点决定了传媒中的不良文化信息易对他们的思想观念、行为方式产生消极影响,严重的甚至可能会使部分青少年由此走上犯罪道路。

    The juvenile physical and mental characteristics determine that the unhealthy information spread by media will have a negative influence easily upon their ideology and behavior , even cause some of them to commit crimes .

  29. 铁路运输作为高度危险作业,极易对周围环境带来危险,造成人身伤亡和财产损失,而由此产生的权益纠纷也日渐增多。

    Railway transportation is a high-risk operation and extremely easy to bring danger to surrounding environment and cause losses in property and human life ; accordingly , the disputes as arose out of it is gradually increasing .

  30. 照片、极地探险物品和生态系统、海平面上升、土著民族等主题的视频展示使人犹处极地环境之中,揭示出全球变暖极易对极地环境造成破坏。

    Photographs , items from polar expeditions and video presentations - on ecosystems , rising sea levels , indigenous peoples and other themes - bring the polar environment to life and expose its vulnerability to global warming .