
  1. 矩形面积均布荷载下的明氏应力公式

    The Mindlin 's stress formula under the rectangular area with uniform distributed loading

  2. 此外还运用实体深基础方法和明德林应力公式分析了桩基的沉降,很好地解决了工程问题。

    Further more actual deep foundation method is also used to analyse the settlement of the pile foundation , which can solve project problems perfectly .

  3. 您租用我公司的缝纫机一台,送上一张契约书,记明您应为此每月付款15美元。

    You have on hire from us a sewing machine , for which we hold your written agreement to make regular payments at the rate of $ 15 per month .

  4. 以集中荷载作用于弹性半空间体内的明氏应力公式为依据,推出了矩形面积均布荷载下的竖向附加应力公式。

    In the present paper , based on Mindlin 's Formula that the point load acts at a certain depth below the surface of ground , the writer derived the formula for calculating vertical superimposed stress in soil under the rectangular footing with uniform distributed loading .

  5. 为分析端部位移已知的明钢管结构应力,从壳体理论出发提出了一套理论公式,并经有限元法进行了验证。

    Based on the shell theory , a set of theoretical formulas for stress analysis of the exposed penstocks with known end displacements is presented .

  6. 首先,采用品牌拓展的产品策略,创新供应链金融产品品牌,实施产品差异化策略,定制无追索权暗保理和无追索权明保理的应收账款融资产品,以适应供应链企业顾客需求差异。

    Innovate the supply chain financial products brand ; implement product differentiation strategies , custom hiding factoring without recourse and open factoring accounts receivable financing products , so as to adapt nonrecourse to different enterprise customers ' requirements in supply chain .

  7. 订明基金托管人应积极配合基金管理人的核查行为,包括但不限于:提交相关资料以供基金管理人核查托管财产的完整性和真实性,在规定时间内答复基金管理人并改正。

    The fundfunds trusteecustodian shall properly cooperate in the fundfunds manager 's check , including but not limited to providing relevant information necessary for the fundfunds manager to examine the integrity and truthfulness of the fundfunds assets , responding to the fundfunds manager and making correction within the prescribed period .

  8. 结论:睛明穴进针应避免向后上斜刺或偏上方深刺,以免刺破筛前动脉引起眶内出血;同时直刺进针深度一般不超过30·36mm,以免损伤视神经管前极。

    Conclusion To avoid bleeding caused by injuring the anterior ethmoidal artery , acupuncture at Jingming ( BL 1 ) should avoid deeply inserting needled back-upwards and upwards , and the needling depth should not exceed 30.36 mm to avoid injury of the optic nerve tunnel frontal point .