
  1. 明代家具与清代家具的艺术风格&谈明、清家具艺术风格的差异性

    The Art Style of Furniture in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty

  2. 明代家具风格对现代工业设计的启示

    Apocalypse of modern industrial design from furniture in Ming D

  3. 明代家具文化-奢侈品的密码

    Ming Furniture Culture & Secret Code of Luxury

  4. 明代家具辨证

    The furniture of Ming style

  5. 本文从明代家具风格特征来启示现代工业设计的发展方向,并且更好的反思“为人”设计的时代含义。

    This paper points out the develop of modern furniture design with the style of the furniture in Ming Dynasty .

  6. 其他展品还包括张清方(音译)的汤匙椅及设计师邵帆对明代家具的美丽现代演绎。

    There are Zhang Qingfang Chinese spoon chairs and beautifully crafted modern takes by the designer Shao fan on Ming furniture .

  7. 由明代家具反思现代家具设计和生产的几个基本问题,并探讨明代家具给现代设计、生产和生活的启示。

    In this part , we retrospect some basic issues of design and production of modern furniture inspired from furniture of Ming Dynasty .

  8. 宋代是家具广泛普及的时代,最精彩、最有特色的是明代家具。这种特色使他具有与其他作家不同的个性。

    Furniture was popularized in the Song Dynasty , but the most refined and beautiful of ancient Chinese furniture was made in the Ming Dynasty . Such characters individuate him from other writers .

  9. 试论明代瓷器与家具在线型上的共通性

    Similarity of lines between Ming porcelain and Ming furniture

  10. 至少从大约600年前的明代开始,红木家具在中国就已经备受推崇。

    Rosewood has been highly prized for fine furniture in China since at least the Ming dynasty , about 600 years ago .

  11. 明代文人对明式家具独特审美特性的形成起着关键作用。

    Part of Ming literati in the Ming style furniture unique aesthetic characteristics of the formation of the project played a key role .

  12. 考察明代整体社会背景下的木材流通与贸易,深入地认识明代家具用材的时代特征。

    We will probe into the circulation and trade of wood in Ming Dynasty to form a deeper understanding of the peculiarities of the material of furniture of Ming Dynasty .