
  • 网络quentin;Quentin Tarantino
  1. 比如,昆汀·塔伦蒂诺(QuentinTarantino)拍的《被解救的姜戈》(DjangoUnchained)就在中国遭到严重审查。

    Quentin Tarantino 's " Django Unchained , " for instance , was heavily censored in China .

  2. 纽波特大学的昆汀·基德通过Skype表示,麦克唐纳这样的政治腐败审判案往往来源于在美国媒体上发表的调查报告。

    Political corruption trials , like the McDonnells ' , often stem from investigative reports published in the U.S. media , according to Newport University 's Quentin Kidd via Skype .

  3. Gaga姐要参演好莱坞金牌导演昆汀塔伦蒂诺的下一步电影?!导演显然很有兴趣开启生来如此的Gaga姐的演艺生涯啊。

    Lady Gaga could be starring in Quentin Tarantino 's next movie project , with the film director apparently keen to kick-start the Born This Way singer 's acting career .

  4. 新秀丽的全球创意总监昆汀麦凯(quentinmackay)表示,随着旅行市场走向高端,该品牌沿袭了它的fashionaire印花皮革旅行包系列。

    As travel goes upmarket , Quentin Mackay , its global creative director , says the brand has followed with its fashionaire printed-leather luggage range .

  5. 有传言说,曾执导《低俗小说》的昆汀塔伦蒂诺很有兴趣让Gaga姐参演其下一部电影,知情人告诉MTV:昆汀是Gaga的超级粉丝,超喜欢她的个性。

    The Pulp Fiction director is rumoured to be keen to cast the Judas singer in his next project , with a source telling MTV : ' Quentin is a huge fan of Gaga and loves her whole personality .

  6. 我们不能指望在罗伯特•罗德里格斯与昆汀•塔伦蒂诺共同指导的《从夜晚到黎明》中,莎尔玛•海雅克的戏份和SantanicoPandemonium一样多,但那句话怎么说来着?

    We didn 't expect to see much of Salma Hayek as Santanico Pandemonium in Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino 's " From Dust Til Dawn , " but what 's that saying ?

  7. 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺(QuentinTrantino)用70毫米胶片拍摄了新片《八恶人》(TheHatefulEight),这部影片将在将近100家影院上映,它们和全国大多数影院一样,通常使用数码放映。

    Going , Going , Almost Gone Quentin Tarantino shot his latest , " The Hateful Eight , " in 70 millimeter , and the film is slated to play in almost 100 theaters that , like most of rooms across the country , now usually use digital projection .

  8. 昆汀的妻子和他一样喜欢撒谎。

    Quentin 's wife lies just as much as he does .

  9. 最佳原创剧本:《被解放的迪亚戈》-昆汀-塔伦蒂诺

    Best original screenplay : Quentin Tarantino , " Django Unchained "

  10. 昆汀,我了解你的难处。

    Look , Quentin , you know I get that .

  11. 简直像昆汀•塔伦蒂诺的电影。

    It 's like a damn Tarantino movie out there .

  12. 低俗小说是一部上映于1994年的美国犯罪电影,导演昆汀·塔伦蒂诺。

    Pulp Fiction is a 1994 American crime film directed by Quentin Tarantino .

  13. “那是我的荣幸,陛下。”昆汀说。

    " It would be my pleasure , Your Grace ," said Quentyn .

  14. 我相信昆汀勒斯和我会找到适合的执政官人选的。

    I 'm sure quintilius and myself can find suitable candidates for consul .

  15. 我没钱给昆汀做治疗,我也不想和我的牧师谈论这个令人不悦的事。

    I can 't afford therapy and am uncomfortable discussing this with my pastor .

  16. 他的电影多为支离破碎的情节和多线叙述方式,这点和昆汀很像。

    Ritchies movies have fragmented plots and a multi-line narrative , much like Tarantinos .

  17. 老大昆汀代表过去,代表旧秩序的终结和无望。

    Quentin the eldest represents the ending and the hopelessness of the old order .

  18. 昆汀,我刚和普吉岛领事馆通电话

    Quentin , I just got off the phone with the consulate in Phuket .

  19. 我们的女儿还活着,昆汀。

    Our daughter 's a survivor , Quentin .

  20. 我的儿子昆汀一直有个毛病,就是总是撒谎。

    My son , Quentin , has always had a problem telling the truth .

  21. 我们参加了一次英雄的旅程,英雄是昆汀,

    We participated in a hero 's journey that the hero here being Quentin ,

  22. 对于你家遭遇的不幸我十分遗憾,昆汀

    I 'm truly sorry for what 's happened to your family , Quentin .

  23. 昆汀。菲尔斯是一名篮球运动员。

    Quentin fields was a basketball player .

  24. 《被解放的姜戈》是昆汀塔伦蒂诺执导并编剧的2012年美国西部大片。

    Django Unchained is a 2012 American western film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino .

  25. 我知道你和昆汀的事。

    I know about you and quentin .

  26. 比安卡:你可能是对的,但我认为昆汀更糟糕。

    Bianca : You might be right , but I think Quentin would be worse .

  27. 昆汀当经理肯定很可怕。

    Quentin would be a horrible manager .

  28. (昆汀•塔伦蒂诺:以血腥场面及黑暗风格著称的美国电影导演,代表作《杀死比尔》)你我之间可有麻烦了。

    You and I have a problem .

  29. 昆汀王子会保护我的。

    Prince Quentyn will protect me .

  30. 你已经随着昆汀·塔伦蒂诺的英雄旅程获得了两项奥斯卡。

    You 've won two Oscars with Quentin Tarantino who call that a hero 's journey .