
hàn jì
  • dry season;dry summer
旱季 [hàn jì]
  • [dry season] 在一定的气候型中,该区一年中重复发生一个月或几个月雨量最少的时期

旱季[hàn jì]
  1. 土地在旱季会非常坚硬。

    During the dry season the land is rock hard .

  2. 拯救亚马孙河的行动安排在了旱季来临之际。

    Operation Amazon is timed to coincide with the start of the dry season .

  3. 这条小道只有在旱季才可通行。

    This path is only negotiable in the dry season .

  4. 麦金太尔说,自上世纪30年代以来,导致该州水资源紧张的最大因素是气温上升导致树木向空气中流失更多的水分,提早的融雪减少了树木在旱季的供水。

    Since the 1930s , McIntyre said , the biggest factors driving up water stress in the state have been rising temperatures , which cause trees to lose more water to the air , and earlier snowmelt , which reduces the water supply available to trees during the dry season .

  5. 黑叶猴各个月的平均日漫游面积在雨季和旱季之间没有显著的差异(p>0.05)。

    Ois ' langur was different among months . No significant variation in average range area was found between dry season and rainy season ( p0.05 ) .

  6. 对于生长在旱季的小麦来说,水的增产作用是随着施N水平的提高而变得明显,N的适宜用量亦随供水量的增加而提高。

    As far as winter wheat growing in rainfed landis concerned , yield increase by water becomes apparent with the improvement in N level . The optimal N application is improved by the optimal water supplies .

  7. BHC、DDT在表层海水及表层沉积物的区域分布,雨季和旱季类似。

    Between rain season and dry season , the distribution of BHC and DDT in the surface sea water and surface sediment was similar .

  8. 多元回归分析发现CH4通量与地下5cm温度显著相关,尤其是在土壤湿度变化不大的旱季,土壤表层温度为影响CH4通量的主导因子。

    CH 4 flux was significantly correlated with soil temperature at 5 cm depth , especially during dry season when the soil moisture was rather stable .

  9. 另外PM2.5占PM10的比重非常高(58%&77%),尤其是旱季比雨季更高。

    The ratio of PM_ 2.5 to PM_ 10 was also very high , and it could reach 58-77 % , in particular in dry seasons .

  10. Paes市长认为,七、八月份是旱季,蚊子通常在水中产卵,这一机率将会降低。

    Mayor Paes argued that August and July are in the dry season , with less incidence of the mosquito that usually lays its eggs on stagnant water .

  11. 旱季各层次PAR日通量的CV非常接近,而雨季PAR3和PAR4的CV则明显增加。

    The CV values of daily PAR flux for each layer were very similar in dry season , but those of PAR-3 and PAR-4 became dramatically higher in wet season .

  12. 根据2000年8~9月雨季和2001年3~4月旱季在黄河18条断面上河水的同位素测试结果,分析了黄河水δ18O、δD和3H浓度的沿程变化特征。

    Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes as well as 3H concentration are analyzed for water samples in the 18 sections of the Yellow River in rainy season ( from August to September , 2000 ) and dry season ( from March to April , 2001 ) .

  13. 兰州以上黄河源头地区河水的δ18O、δD的季节性变化与雨水相反,地下水对河水的补给贡献旱季大于雨季。

    In the river source above Lanzhou , the seasonal variation of δ 18O and δ D in river water is different from that in precipitation . The percentage of groundwater contribution to river in dry season is larger than that in rainy season .

  14. 旱季土壤为热源而雨季为热汇,表层土壤年总热通量为-0.44MJ·m-2,说明就全年尺度而言,土壤是热源。

    In dry seasons , the soil was a heat source , however , it was a heat sink in rainy seasons . The total surface soil heat flux was -0.44 MJ · m-2 per year , indicating that the soil was a heat source at the annual temporal scale .

  15. 旱季时,水库泄洪将使河流水量增加35%。

    Dry season water releases should increase river volume by35 % .

  16. 我们在旱季不得不节约用水。

    We have to economize on water during the dry season .

  17. 时序进入旱季后有很多母河马来投靠它

    Since the drought many more females have joined his herd .

  18. 元谋干热河谷几种外来树种在旱季的光合特点

    Photosynthetic characteristics of several exotic species in dry season in Yuanmou County

  19. 都在这一个无尽漫长的夏天成为了荒原的旱季。

    Constituted the dead and endless summer in the wasteland .

  20. 我们国家分雨季和旱季两种气候。

    We have a rainy season and a dry season .

  21. 还好现在是旱季

    but fortunately for us it is the dry season ...

  22. 在旱季,水将会蒸发留下沉积物。

    the fluid evaporates during the dry season , leaving sediment marks .

  23. 传统地这地区已进入传统的旱季。

    The region has headed into its traditionally dry season .

  24. 但加州的那个地区是旱季。

    But that area of California has a dry season .

  25. 大多数热带地区有雨季和旱季。

    Most tropical areas have rainy and dry seasons .

  26. 旱季降雨对坡地水分影响较小。

    Rainfall has slight influence on soil moisture of upland during drought season .

  27. 山间的小溪在旱季时已经乾涸。

    Spring in the valley has already dried up in season of drought .

  28. 这时正是旱季,什么东西都容易着火。

    It was the dry season and everything was ready to catch fire .

  29. 注意看草原进入漫长的旱季后的变化。

    And watch the change as it goes into this long dry season .

  30. 西昌发射场区旱季高空最大风的分析预报

    Analysis and Forecasting of Upper Maximal Wind in Dry Season at Xichang Launch Site