
  • 网络The Early Universe
  1. 早期宇宙中的相变及熵产生

    Entropy generation and phase transitions in the early universe

  2. 我们能想象早期宇宙散布在十亿的原子云中。

    So we can imagine the early universe breaking up into a billion clouds .

  3. 此项研究的核心是早期宇宙和银河系的形成。

    The main thrust of the research will be the study of the early Universe and galaxy formation

  4. 目前观测到的重子光子数比10~(-9)可能是由极早期宇宙中的超重玻色子的衰变产生的,在这种衰变中C及CP是破坏的。

    The observed baryon-to-photon ratio of 10-9 could be produced by the decays of superheavy bosons in the very early universe if C and CP are violated in its actions .

  5. Bianchi模型是一种空间均匀而各向异性的宇宙模型,可被用来描述早期宇宙。

    Bianchi models are spatially homogeneous , anisotropic cosmological models , which can be used to describe the universe of early stage .

  6. 由于对称性的自发破缺,在标量场的真空期待值近似为常数时,得到各向不同性的DeSitter解,这种真空暴胀将自行导致早期宇宙空间的各向同性化。

    When the vacuum expectation value of the scalar field is approximately equal to a constant owing to the spontaneous symmetry breaking , we find a anisotropic de Sitter cosmological solution . The expansion isotropization is automatically obtained by this vacuum inflation .

  7. 极早期宇宙的研究中若干问题浅析

    Some Remarks on the Research of the Very Early Universe

  8. 早期宇宙内的高温提供给次原子粒子能量。

    The extreme temperature of the early Universe energizes the subatomic particles .

  9. 天文学家用这些数据研究早期宇宙以及恒星与星系是怎样形成的。

    Astronomers will use the data to study the early universe and how stars and galaxies form .

  10. 因此,我们可以用类星体来探测早期宇宙和宇宙大尺度结构。

    So , we can use quasars probing the early Universe and large & scale structure of the universe .

  11. 这个理论指出,大爆炸后的早期宇宙,充满了高能量,反而有较少的维数。

    The theory also suggests that space has fewer dimensions at very high energies of the kind associated with the early , post-big bang universe .

  12. 弦论中的非经典时空影响早期宇宙的发展,在一些观测宇宙学的实验中人们也许会发现弦论的效应,例如微波背景辐射的功率谱的反常。

    String effects may possibly be first discovered in certain experiments in observational cosmology , such as the power spectrum measurements of the cosmic microwave background .

  13. 这些图像,就像他们上面的光一样,给解决暗物质如何构建早期宇宙带来了希望。

    The resulting image casts light , as it were , on the question of how " dark matter " was distributed in the early universe .

  14. 根据氦丰度的观测值给出了早期宇宙中暗能量和高能光子的约束范围。

    The constraint ranges of the dark energy and high energy photon in early universe are given by the observation datas of the helium abundance . 4 .

  15. 把纽约中心地带高峰期想像成炽热的早期宇宙,把在中央大厅飞速往返穿行的上班族想象成次原子粒子。

    Imagine rush hour at Grand Central in New York City as that superheated early Universe . The commuters racing through the main concourse are subatomic particles .

  16. 高斯束谐振系统为早期宇宙遗留的随机高频引力波的探测开启了一个非常重要的窗口。

    Gaussian beam resonance system ( GBRS ) opens a very important window for detection of relic stochastic high frequency gravitational waves ( HFGWs ) of early universe .

  17. 这项研究涉及了一些天文学上的基本问题:数百万颗恒星,是如何点亮那晦暗不明的早期宇宙?

    This research bears on some of the most basic questions in astronomy : How did the dark early universe come to light up with billions of stars ?

  18. 此前,天文学家们几乎没有早期宇宙的资料,早期宇宙太昏暗了,甚至哈勃太空望远镜也不能拍到清晰的图片。

    The problem was that astronomers had hardly any data from the early universe , which until recently was too faint even for Hubble to get any good pictures of .

  19. 开展这些亮而远的射电星系研究有助于我们了解早期宇宙的演化以及星系活动的内在原因。

    The study of such luminous and distant radio galaxies will be helpful to the exploration of the early universe and to the knowledge about the intrinsic cause of the galaxy activity .

  20. 探测器扫描太空来测量温度。通过测量太空内温度的差别,他们绘制出了第一张早期宇宙的微波辐射图。

    They pointed it out into space where it took the temperature of the universe . By measuring differences in temperature across space , they created the first map of our early universe .

  21. 另外,还有耗资6.8亿元的500米口径球面大射电望远镜,它是世界上最大的射电望远镜,可以用来研究深空和早期宇宙的形成。

    A further US $ 86 million will be invested in the large aperture spherical telescope , the world 's largest of its kind , which will investigate deep space and the early universe .

  22. 科学家使用该理论追踪我们的早期宇宙,发现宇宙开始点拥有一个最小的体积,但是并不是零,一个最大的能量但不是无穷大。

    Scientists using this theory to trace our universe backward in time have found that its beginning point had a minimum volume that is not zero and a maximum energy that is not infinite .

  23. 近年来发现了一批Z>4的类星体,这些高红移类星体使人们对早期宇宙中的大尺度结构演化和星系形成的理论模型提出了新的观点。

    A number of quasars with redshift Z > 4 have been discovered in recent years , which provide important constraints to theoretical models for the large scale structure evolution of the universe and the formation of galaxies at early time .

  24. 这位因病错过了他在1月的70岁生日庆典的著名物理学家,因其一生的成就(包括发现黑洞会发出辐射以及他在量子重力和早期宇宙各个方面的深入贡献)赢得了这一特殊的基础物理学奖。

    The renowned physicist who missed his 70th birthday celebrations through illness in January , has won the Special Fundamental Physics Prize for a lifetime of achievements , including the discovery that black holes emit radiation , and his deep contributions to quantum gravity and aspects of the early universe .

  25. 对于在早期的宇宙之中,为何类星体比现今的AGN还要来得强大,天文学家曾感到十分惊讶。

    Astronomers have wondered why quasars in the early universe were much more powerful than present-day AGNs .

  26. 在早期的宇宙,许多事件发生得太快。

    So many things were happening so fast in the early universe .

  27. 然而了解早期的宇宙确实至关重要。

    But it 's critical to understanding the early universe .

  28. 早期中国宇宙观特征

    Characteristics of the Ancient Chinese World Outlook

  29. 研究人员对于发现和研究这样遥远的天体很感兴趣,因为这些天体可以为了解早期的宇宙打开一个窗口。

    Researchers are interested in spotting and studying such far-out objects because they provide a window on the early universe .

  30. 民族与族群这样的概念本来就像人类早期对宇宙万物的认知分类一样,是把一个连续谱来作一种主观的切割,所以经常因认定者的基本立场的不同而异。

    Just like the cognitive divisions of things in the universe by mankind in antiquity , such concepts as nationalities and clans are a subjective dismemberment of a continuous pedigree , and are variable in accordance with the different stands of the recognizers .