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wú biān
  • boundless;rimless;brimless;borderless
无边 [wú biān]
  • [borderless] 没有边际

  • 无边界框

无边[wú biān]
  1. 戴在头顶上的无边圆帽。

    Rounded brimless hat fitting the crown of the head .

  2. 正巧穿的是个蓝恤衫,无边的蓝色上有个红心。

    Happened to wear a blue T-shirt , there have one red heart on brimless blue .

  3. 我不会离开我的小蜘蛛而孤凄地度过那无边岁月的。

    I should not have to live my eternity away from my little spider .

  4. 城里戴最漂亮的无边女帽的妇女全都到场了

    All the best bonnets of the city were there .

  5. 他们飞过了茫茫无边的北极上空。

    They flew over the unlimited reaches of the Arctic .

  6. 一天,有个和尚看见庙中的这两座像,心里很不高兴,说:“我们佛法广大无边,怎么能让佛祖屈居在老君的右边呢?”

    One day , a monk5 saw the two idols in the temple . He was displeased6 and said : " The power of Buddha7 is infinite . How can we condescend8 to allow the idol of Sakyamuni to be placed on the right of that of Tai Shang Lao Jun ? "

  7. k我爱你森林无边,我爱你群山巍峨;

    I love your infinite forests and I love your lofty mountains ;

  8. 还证明了当M是紧致无边定向的n维连通的Einstein流形,f:M→S~(n+p)(?)是等距迷向浸入,使,f(M)的平均曲率为常数H。

    Another theorem is proved too : Let M be an n-dimensional compact Einstein manifold and f : M → S ~ ( n + p )( C ) is isotropic immersion with constant mean curvature .

  9. 《藻海无边》叙述的故事发生在19世纪3O年代在英国的殖民统治中取得独立的牙买加。

    Wide Sargasso Sea describes the story taking place in Jamaica which gained independence in the 1830s from the British Government .

  10. 最后将改进的无边带信息算法与迭代限幅算法联合应用到OFDM系统中,与原始联合算法仿真对比,结果表明,改进的联合算法能够更加有效地保证系统的误码性能。

    Eventually , the hybrid of advanced algorithms without side information and iteration-clipping algorithm is applied into OFDM system , compared with the original hybrid algorithm . It can be observed that the advanced hybrid algorithm could effectively guarantee the performance of BER .

  11. 艺术家巴勃罗·卡洛斯·布达西把美国宇航局拍摄的照片和原始草图相结合,利用普林斯顿的科学家创制的对数图和Photoshop图片处理技术,创造了这幅美丽震撼的图像,把无边之大的宇宙都纳入了有限的视野里。

    Using Photoshop andlogarithmic maps created by scientists at Princeton , artist and musician Pablo Carlos Budassi combined images from NASA with original sketches to create this stunning illustration that captures the unimaginably vast observable universe .

  12. 讨论p-H-调和映射的一阶和二阶变分计算,作为应用,我们利用变分计算公式证明了一个稳定性定理:设Mm是一紧致无边的黎曼流形,Sn是n维单位球面。

    In this paper , we discuss the first and second variations of p-H-Harmonic maps . As an application of the Variational formulas , we prove a stable theorem : Let M ~ m be a compact Riemannian manifold , S ~ n is of n dimensional unit sphere .

  13. 此事在他身上的效果是无边的悲凉。

    The effect produced upon him was one of great sadness .

  14. 无边的自由,我与你与恋爱!

    Unbounded freedom , I will fall in love with you !

  15. 在广阔无边的海洋上能见到的只是水。

    Nothing but water can be seen on the broad ocean .

  16. 给你的,愿新年带给你无边的幸福、如意。

    A cheery New Year hold lots of happiness for you !

  17. 广阔无边的无羁荒野用野性的残忍惩罚入侵者。

    Vast expanses of untamed wilderness punish intruders with feral brutality .

  18. 你的声音象大海般宏伟无边;

    Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea ;

  19. 父亲以无边的慈爱厚待我。

    It took all my father 's charity to forgive me .

  20. 她消失在模糊的无边甜柔的云雾之中。

    She was lost in the endless mist of vague sweetness .

  21. 因为「我」是一个无边的海。

    For " self " is a sea boundless and measureless .

  22. 他们没有知识,没有记忆,没有无边的计划。

    They have no knowledge , no memory , no cosmic plan .

  23. 我衷心祝福您健康、快乐无边!

    I wish you good health and perfect joys untold !

  24. 感谢师父的安排和无边的爱!

    Thank you , master , for your arrangement and unlimited love .

  25. “工人正在重建沙面一间被烧毁嘅建筑”,有无边位知道呢度响边呢?

    Workers reconstructing a building burned out an incident on the Shameen .

  26. 同样祝你幸福,爱情无边,前程似锦。

    Wish u a world of happiness love and prosperity .

  27. 去聆听那无边的没有她而更加广阔的黑夜。

    To hear the immense night , still more immense without her .

  28. 就像无边泳池里的那个喷头一样

    Kinda like that one nozzle in the infinity pool .

  29. 试论《简爱》与《藻海无边》中的两位梅森

    Different Characterizations of Ms Mason In Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea

  30. 她戴着一顶褪了色的黑色无边帽,帽上缀着褪了色的假花。

    She wore a faded black bonnet garnished with faded artificial flowers .