
  • 网络random motion
  1. 在灼热的气体燃烧室内,分子在各个方向上作无规运动。

    Within the hot gas chamber , molecules are moving randomly in all directions .

  2. 从动力学对称性观点出发考察了量子规则运动与无规运动。

    Quantum regular and irregular motions are investigated from the viewpoint of dynamical symmetry .

  3. 量子无规运动与核耗散

    Exercise . Quantum Chaotic Motion and Nuclear Dissipation

  4. 通过分析双球系统布朗运动特性,得到其无规运动轨迹维数小于2,大量这样的系统在平面中就不可能均匀分布。

    Analysing the properties of the Brownian motion of the two-sphere system the result of its trace fractal dimension less than 2 is obtained .

  5. 对不可积系统,用代数动力学观点研究了量子规则运动和无规运动的特征,它们之间的过渡,以及它们对时间有关外场的不同响应。

    For non integrable quantum systems , characteristics of regular and irregular quantum motions , transition from one to the other , as well as different responses of them to a time dependent external field have been investigated .

  6. 用能级动力学研究了从量子规则运动向量子无规运动的过渡,给出了导致能级混沌的条件,揭示了造成能级混沌的机制。

    The transition from quantum regular motion to chaotic motion is studied by level dynamics and computer experiments . The conditions for onset of quantum chaos are presented . The mechanism for causing chaotic level spectrum is unveiled .

  7. 稀薄气体分子间距较大,其相互作用随压强的减小变弱,但因分子无规运动,使得对分子本身的探测和研究较困难。

    The bigger the space among thin gas molecules are , the less the interaction is , according to the reduce of pressure , but the movements are irregular , therefore , it is difficult to detect and study the molecule itself .

  8. 二维红外相关光谱研究缠结对冷冻升华无规聚苯乙烯分子运动的影响

    Two-Dimensional ( 2D ) FTIR Spectroscopic Study on Influence of Entanglements on Movements of Freeze-dried Atactic Polystyrene Molecules