
wú hé xì bāo
  • anucleate cell;akaryote
  1. 无核细胞是通过药物、细胞松弛素b把细胞核去掉制备的。

    Enucleated cells are prepared by removing cell nuclei in the presence of the drug , cytochalasin B.

  2. 结论ITP患儿血清TPO水平存在较大差异,TPO水平明显增高且无巨核细胞数增高者疗效差,可能提示预后不良。

    Conclusions There is markedly difference in serum level of TPO in children with ITP . The high level of TPO and lower number of megakaryocyte prognosticated infaust prognosis in ITP .

  3. 获得性单纯无巨核细胞性血小板减少性紫癜发病机制的研究

    Q & A on Sex Study on the pathogenesis of acquired pure amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenic purpura

  4. 该文报道了12例获得性无巨核细胞性血小板减少性紫癜,该病发病年龄从2月&70岁,女性发病高于男性占66.7%。

    We investigated 12 Patients with acquired amegakaryocytic purpura ( AATP ) . The ages of the Patients were from 2 month to 70 years old . The incidence ratio of male to female was 33 . 3 % to 66 . 7 % .

  5. 辐射诱育柑桔无核品系的细胞遗传学研究

    Cytogenetical studies of Citrus seedless strains bred by radiation

  6. (生物学)(细胞)核膜。辐射诱育柑桔无核品系的细胞遗传学研究

    ( biology ) nuclear membrane . cytogenetical studies of Citrus seedless strains bred by radiation

  7. 出现双核和无核的花粉母细胞。

    Appearance of anucleate and binucleate PMCs .

  8. 骨转移性癌则以无多形性大核细胞(100%)、核仁明显(75%)、有核分裂象为主要特征。

    Pleomorphic giant nucleus ( 100 % ), obvious nucleoli ( 75 % ) and karyokinesis were the main elements in the smear of bone metastatic carcinoma .

  9. 在淀粉胚乳细胞核衰退解体中或解体后,无核的胞质细胞器丰富,淀粉胚乳细胞继续合成和积累淀粉粒和贮藏蛋白,表现为很强的代谢活性。

    Starch granules and storage proteins were continually synthesized and accumulated in the starch endosperm cells despite the nucleus degradation . The denucleated cell which had abundant of cell organelles in cytoplast still remained normal metabolic activity .